Chapter One

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Chapter One

Harriet slid down the banister and perfectly landed on their living room floor, she checked if she had all her stuff down, her Nimbus 2000, check. Her trunk, check. Her owl brown owl Baltimore, in his cage check.

She even checked her reflection at a nearby mirror, her long red hair was down which framed her face perfectly and made her look even more like her mother, she wore a shirt that was her father’s once that had their last name on it Evans, Uncle Remus enchanted it so it could be a bit smaller and fit her properly, Harriet plays with its size at times though, but when she goes to bed and she’s wearing it she puts it back to its original size. She says it makes her feel like her dad is hugging her.

“Are you ready Harriet?” Harriet turned around and saw Uncle Remus carrying his own trunk; Harriet nodded and went beside him

“Now remember, you can’t call me Uncle at school –“

“Yes, yes because kids might think I’m a kiss up,” said Harriet waving a hand dismissively “I won’t make any trouble, which I don’t even do. I’ll be a good little girl, and have good grades like I always have.”

“Well shall we apparate then?” Harriet nodded happily, grabbed her stuff and clutched onto her Uncle, with a soft pop they were gone.

Harriet stood in front of platforms nine and ten; she looked back at her uncle and raised her eyebrows

“Er, where’s nine and three quarters?” she asked, Uncle Remus smiled

“Run through the barrier,” he said simply, Harriet stared at him as if he were mad

“Are you serious?” she even asked, Uncle Remus chuckled

“Yes I am,” he said “nothing won’t happen, c’mon faster the barrier might close up now, it’s already ten minutes ‘til eleven.”

Harriet then shrugged and held onto her things, she looked around and when she saw no muggles were around she ran through the barrier, and she found herself in front of the Hogwarts Express. She felt her mouth form into an “O” shape as she looked around,

“I told you so,” she turned around and saw Uncle Remus grinning cockily, Harriet rolled her eyes

“Whatever Uncle Remus,” she said waving a hand dismissively “Anyways, do we split up?”

“Sadly yes,” said Uncle Remus “I’ll check on you during times though.”

“No need,” said Harriet proudly “I’m thirteen I can handle myself!”

 “Correction,” said Uncle Remus “you just turned thirteen; I specifically remember you did only a few days ago.”

“Still, I’m thirteen!” Harriet cried, Uncle Remus laughed

“Yes but your brain is still set on twelve,” he even said, Harriet rolled her eyes

“Anyways, should I ride now?” she asked as she saw a girl with bushy hair pass by her with two boys, one with bright red hair and freckles and one with messy black hair and glasses

“Yes, yes I believe you should,” said Uncle Remus, Harriet then grabbed her things

“Well, see you at Hogwarts!” she said happily, she then boarded the train. She looked around for an empty compartment, she passed by many, she even passed by that girl with bushy hair she saw earlier in a compartment with the two boys she was with earlier, the boy with dark messy hair even stared at her, she just politely smiled at the boy and continued for searching an empty compartment.

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