Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

The Fat Lady’s ripped canvas was soon replaced by the portrait of Sir Cardogan and his fat gray pony. No one was very happy about this. Sir Cardogan spent half his time challenging people to duels, and the rest thinking up ridiculously complicated passwords, which he changed at least twice a day.

“He’s a complete lunatic,” Seamus and Harriet said angrily to Percy “Can’t we get someone else?”

“None of the other pictures wanted the job,” said Percy “Frightened of what happened to the Fat Lady. Sir Cardogan was the only one brave enough.”

“This is just madness.” Said Harriet as they stopped in front of the portrait “Madness I tell you.”

“You! Be brave –“ but before Sir Cardogan could even finish his sentence

“Oh shut it!” said Harriet “Galloping Hippogriffs! There’s your password! Now let me in!”

Aside from Sir Cardogan’s insanity, so far Harriet was fine; her Quidditch practices weren’t part of the things that were fine though. Madam Hooch always kept a close eye on them every practice; Harriet had a feeling it had something to do with Harry, the teachers seemed to be keeping a close eye on him these days. The weird part was, they seemed to be keeping an eye on Harriet too.

Harriet put the thought at the back of her mind

Why would they keep an eye on me? Harriet would ask herself I wasn’t the one who put Voldemort to rest! It was Harry. I just tend to be around Harry because of Quidditch practice. Yeah they’re keeping an eye on him… Not me…

“We’re not playing Slytherin!” Harriet snapped out of her trance and looked up to see a very angry Oliver Wood in front of them “We’re playing Hufflepuff instead.”

“Why?” the team chorused

“Flint’s excuse is that their Seeker’s arm’s still injured,” said Wood, grinding his teeth furiously. “But it’s obvious why they’re doing it. Don’t want to play in this weather. Think it’ll damage their chances….”

There had been strong winds and heavy rain all day and as Wood spoke, they heard a distant rumble of thunder.

“There’s nothing wrong with Malfoy’s arm!” said Harry furiously. “He’s faking it!”

Harriet felt extremely pissed

“Oh it is Harry,” she said “I’m going down to his common room right now and break his arm myself.”

“Hold it Evans.” Said Wood as Harriet started to get up, it was obvious he wanted her to do it but of course he couldn’t permit it “I know he’s faking it, but we can’t prove it. We’ve been practicing all those moves assuming we’re playing Slytherin and instead it’s Hufflepuff, and their style’s quite different. They’ve got a new captain and Seeker, Cedric Diggory –“

Angelina, Alicia and Katie suddenly giggled.

“What?” said Wood, frowning at their lighthearted behavior, Harriet did a face palm. She knew what it was about.

“He’s the tall good looking one isn’t he?” said Angelina

“Strong and silent.” Said Katie and they giggled again. Harriet rolled her eyes

“His looks won’t help him win the cup you do know that right?” she said

“Don’t be such a killjoy Harriet,” said Alicia as they giggled “It’s true, he is quite a charmer.”

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