Chapter 16

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“Sir Elmo! What art doing? Why art thee hasty?” Julie asked.

“Oh! Good morning Julie, I am just prepping up for school. I am a bit late already.” Elmo replied.

“Julie, you can have breakfast with us.” Loree invited.

“Pleasure Madame Loree.” Julie accepted.

“Please, don’t call me Madame, Just Loree.” Loree blushed.

“Well you can still call me Sir if you want.” Percy fibbed.

“Percy!” Loree pinched her husband.

“Got to go Mom! Bye Dad! Julie, bye!” Elmo rushed.

“So how was your night?” Loree asked.

“It was wonderful. Though I find it a bit cold and the box from Sir Elmo’s window gives a humming sound.” Julie mentioned.

“Oh, you mean the air condition?” Loree asked, “Honey, I thought you already fixed it?” She told Percy.

So that what it is called. Julie thought.

“I already did.”

Ma’am Loree twitched her mouth “Are you sure?” She enquired.

Percy stared at the ceiling “As far as I remember…” (Scratches his head)

“Yeah I bet you remembered.” Loree teased.

(Sniff) what is that smell? It is so fragrant! It smells like chamomile.

“Oh by the way, Julieanne, can you bring Elmo his lunch later? He said that he won’t be coming home to join us.” Loree asked.

“Absolutely. Where is he again?”

“Oh he went to the University. I will tell you how to get there. Thank you Julie.”


At the School

“… and that Sir is what the functionalist school of thought has contributed to the field.” Elmo recited.

“Very good Mr. Magalona. So as you can see John Dewey has also applied the philosophical thought of pragmatism in providing a new psychological framework to enhance child learning development…” Adam expounded.

Who would have thought that Mr. Adam err… Dr. Levine would be still here in our University. I heard Rumors that he would be staying and will be part of our department faculty. Wow! Just Wow! I just wished he could at least sing one song every after class or while he is teaching he would crack some lyrics from one of their songs.

The Lecture lasted for almost three hours and I could say that everything went well. My classmates and I were about to leave the room when Dr. Levine called my attention. He told me to remain so we waited for the others to leave first.

Oh god, is he going to comment about my behavior during his first talk? “Yes sir?”

“You did well a while ago. Your participation really helps me expound Dewey’s ideas. Pally has always told me of your misdemeanor but I find you good. Though sometimes you look disturbed.”

Pally? He called our terror tailed professor Paliza ‘Pally’ wow! They are really close huh? “Maybe it just happened that I know John Dewey.” Elmo humbly said.

“I see. Keep it up, who knows you might see yourself at the top this time.” Adam advised.

This time? So he was told of my academic record already… “I hope.”

“That is all Mr. Magalona and thank you again.”

“Anytime Sir!” He thanked me! Rock on! Adam Levine of Maroon 5 thanked me! Yeah!

“By the way, I noticed that you always have your earphones with you. You love music much?”

Does he remember? Oh boy! Oh boy! I should mention their group so that he would remember! “Yes Sir, especially Maroon 5.” Elmo smirked.

“Oh… I do not like their songs. Their Music does not suit with the Tenor Lead vocalist. I prefer Bach, Wagner and some orchestral sounds.” Adam commented, “Elmo, you should choose your music. Listen to something where even the lightest note blends perfectly with the strongest tone.”

Sweet mother of mercy! I can’t believe this! Did he just say that he does not want the group where he originally came from! Yo’ Tattoo wake up! How much damage this paradox did to you? “I see. I’ll take note of that…”

Adam nodded “Okay. Have a great lunch! Go Hit some Bags.”

Well at least his cool attitude remains “Sure!”


Julie’s POV

Fascinating! So this is where Sir Elmo is studying! I learned that, unlike during my time where it were my mentors who goes to our palace to teach me, there is a place like this made for everyone who wishes to learn or teach. Similar to Plato’s Academy and Aristotle’s Lyceum. I am so glad to know first hand how the past influences this day.

“Sir Elmo! Sir Elmo!” Julie called out.

“Hey check out that chick! She’s calling for you!” Mike said.

“Huh?” Elmo made a confused expression “JULIE?! How did you…”

“Loree told me to bring you these.” Julie handed the food.

“Aw, How sweet! Elmo is she your girlfriend? You never mentioned anything about her!” Mike laughed.

“No it’s not what…” Elmo stuttered.

“Yes. I am his companion. I am Julie, his girlfriend.”

“WHAT?” Most of the students reacted.

“I am his girlfriend.” Julie repeated.

Oh bummer, now what will I do? Elmo turned red. Must I tell her what that word really meant? Though, I could play along to make my classmates envious. Elmo grinned.

The bell rang.

“Julie thanks for the food. It really saved me and my allowance.” Elmo said.

“Pleasure is mine. Are you coming home now?”

“Oh not yet, we still have a class after this.”

“I see…” Julie blushed and looked on her side.

“Julie is there something wrong?”

“Uhm… I just… I am just curious of what a school looks like and what are the things beings thought here… so could I come along with you?” Julie doe-eyed.

“Huh? Uhm… I don’t think…”

“Magalona!” Mrs. Paliza shouted, “The Lecture will already commence!” She added.

“Uhm…” Elmo tried to speak.

“Pally what is it?” Adam interfered.

“Elmo is still loitering around so I am just calling his attention.” She calmly said.

“There you go again Pally. Don’t be so grumpy to your students, it’ll make you less beautiful you know.” Adam kid.

“You and your jokes Adam” Paliza joked back.

Hang on! I sense there is something here. Did Sir Levine just tried to hit a Joke to Mrs. Terror tail?

“Elmo come on inside. You and I still have a lot of things to discuss about Dewey.” Adam called.

“Uhm… Sir can I let my Friend join us inside? She also wanted to see your lectures.” Elmo asked.

“Friend?” Then Adam looked at Julie “Sure. It’s all fine with me.”

“Thank you Sir! Julie he said you can join us!” Elmo motioned.

“Oh my. Pleasure Sir…” Julie thanked.

“Adam. Sir Adam.” Adam smiled.

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