Chapter 28

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2012, Butch Loots

“Butch! Butch!” Elmo called out “Butch?”

There I saw Butch standing in the middle of his shop surrounded by his paintings.

“Elmo, I told you not to interfere didn’t I? You gave me a promise yet it only took you a day to break it.”

Shoot! This is Bad “I-I just want to give Julie an advantage over their enemies, after all she’s my partner isn’t she?”

“Is that so?”

“You should do the same thing because she also helped you in fixing those paradoxes.”

Butch remained silent and continues to paint. I can feel that he is dead serious now. Before, he often welcome me with a jump scare every time I visit him but now, he didn’t even bothered to turn his back to face me.

“Then why are you here Lad?” Butch continued.

He already knows what I was planning to do. Why is he still asking me this question? “I just want to ask you something about…”

“Saint John stood their ground until 1347.” Butch pointed a painting.

I realized that all of the paintings depict the whole history of Saint John. I could see Julie’s portrait during the wars how she hid with the other women in a dungeon until how she stood and took over the throne.

“Manfred died in 1319 and Julie succeeded her father. Many of their brothers and sisters died but kept their spirits intact.” Butch continued to narrate as he pointed one by one the portraits that depicts Julie’s life story.

“But why is it not told in history books?”

“Because history is written by the victors.” Butch said.

Those words pierced my heart like a dagger. “So does it mean they’re defeated?”

“1347, was the last year that Julie and her men gave their final stand. However, fortune didn’t favor them. Julie fought more than just the Turks…”

“1347… it was the year when the black plague stormed Europe.” Elmo realized.

“Indeed…” Butch pointed a miserably painted portrait showing Julie’s unfortunate end “Saint John died a shameful death… all of them easily got infected by the Bubonic disease and died in less than a month.”

“Oh god! No!”

“This is what awaits Princess Julieanne of Saint John.” Butch concluded.

“NO! Butch, please! Let me help Julie!”

“Lad, I will not allow you to cause another paradox.”

“But she also helped you in fixing history! You owe us! You owe her!”

“I owe no one, Lad! You are just delegated by a task! Without me this duty will never exist in your minds!”

“But she helped you. Now she needs our help.”

“I am not going to be the cause of another historical change just because of pity. Lad you must also do the same thing!”

(Tears start to shed) “Then what if I was in Julie’s situation, after everything that I have done for you, will you also leave me meet my misfortune?”

“Yes.” Butch didn’t blink.

His words truly enraged me. That old man ingrate! How could you do this? “Very well, then we sever our ties now old man. I am no longer your friend.”

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