“It will take us two weeks to let Adam realize that he is not a Doctor.” Elmo explained.
“We will be letting him sing during the ball!” Julie supported.
“I like how you convinced him to sing but the question is, is it enough to convince him that he is not a Doctor but a Singer? Does it mean that because I could sing I am also a vocalist of Maroon 5?” Butch argued.
“Oh… we haven’t thought of that” Julie realized.
“But it is a step closer to our goal!” Elmo insisted.
“Indeed, then it also implies that you are spending two long weeks in just fulfilling a minor goal. What we need to do is to wake him up and convince him to go back where he really belong.”
“So does it mean I will be staying here for more than a week?” Julie asked.
“Yes.” Elmo snapped.
“No!” Butch interfered “By week’s end you should be back in year 1312. I may not be able to hold the past to unfold if you stay here longer. Remember your departure has caused a change in the past too. As of now, Saint John thought the Turks kidnapped you.”
“Oh my!” Julie reacted.
“Worry not though, I have my ways to fix that, but it is an imperative that you’ll be spending here for a week only.”
“But how about my family?” Julie almost burst.
“They are fine, rest assured they are well and trust me on my words, Princess.” Butch answered.
All I can do is just nod. I forgot about that small detail that my choice of leaving our time would cause consequences. I do hope my Father and Saint John are alright. I do trust you Sir Francesco.
“So what do we do now?” Julie asked.
“We have to bring back Adam to the time where he chose Medicine instead of music.” Butch answered.
“You mean…” Elmo started to say.
“Yes, we will use the book.” Butch declared.
“But I thought only Julie and I can use it.”
“True, but in special cases it can also be done to others.”
Sir Elmo and I nodded.
“Now that everything is clear. Return to your house and plan how you will execute my proposed solution.” Francesco declared.
“Okay.” Elmo scratched his head “So grumpy.”
“I heard that!” Butch said.
Elmo’s POV
Seriously? A week? How could we do that? I was already planning to tell my parents that Julie will be staying longer… oh well we can’t do anything against grumpy old man’s decision. I was even looking forward to bring Julie to some other places… too bad.
“Julie, are you alright?” Elmo asked.
“Not that much. I am just worried about my Father and my Country.” Julie answered.
“Don’t worry, But… I mean Francesco assured us that your place is doing fine.”
“Thanks… I am just curious of one thing…” Julie added.
“Hmm? Of what?”
“I just realized, if we will be sending Sir Adam back to where he really came from, what will happen to him and Madame Jane?”
“I think everything will reset and the two will not recognize each other.” Elmo guessed.
“But what if Madame Jane finally considers Sir Adam? Knowing that the two will now be happy, will you still do our task and deprive him of his happiness for the sake of fixing the paradox?” Julie wondered.
“That is really a hard one…” Elmo scratched his head, “How about you, will you do it?”
“I can’t say… Sir Elmo, if in case you were Sir Adam and thou learned that thou art the paradox, will you go back?”
“Because if you love a person, you will do everything just to be with her; even if it requires to defy our own destiny.”
Julie smiled, “I will do the same thing.”
Then there was an awkward silence. I wanted to say something just to break the ice but I also find myself blank and speechless…
“Sir Elmo, can you also pay me a visit?”
“In Saint John?”
“Yes. I also wanted to show you what our place looks like.”
“Sure why not? You can also introduce me to you friends.” Elmo smiled.
Julie suddenly frowned.
“Julie did I say something wrong?”
“Oh no, sorry… it’s just that I do not have friends… I spent my life with my family and our Royal Servants.”
“Aw. Don’t worry, you have me already.” Elmo tried to comfort.
“Besides you’re my girlfriend remember?” Elmo laughed.
She giggled, “Why is there something between us now?” Julie fibbed.
“Uhm… yeah there is… a rock.” Elmo joked.
Julie laughed.
It’s really uplifting to see her laugh. Even if we are endowed with a very heavy responsibility in fixing this paradox, her laughter makes me feel very much alive. I really wished she were my girlfriend. I wished was born during her time instead.
The Next Day
“Dr. Levine! Dr. Levine!” Elmo called out from the hallway.
“Mr. Magalona! It’s good to see you so lively again!”
“Thanks, Sir! I thought of a better way for you to gain Ma’am Paliza’s love!” Elmo excited said.
“Keep it down!…” Adam lowered his voice.
I whispered the words to Adam and waited for his response… “Well at least it will only take us a week to prepare for it right?”
“I don’t know… that still has no assurance.”
“Oh come on Sir! No one can be sure of everything. Just give it a try!”
“Forget it Elmo we’ll stick with the previous plan.”
“Sir, do you have what it takes to win Ma’am Paliza’s heart?” Elmo dared.
There I saw Adam’s eyes changed from ashamed to determine. I was right high achieving persons are settable of criticisms and dare. Checkmate doctor!
“Fine! When do we start?”
“Today.” Elmo smirked.
FantasyThey can't cope up with our surroundings. His lifestyle was too obsolete while hers was too advance. They are definitely at the wrong place at the wrong time. How could they correct the times gone by if fate himself tangled their personal history? W...