Chapter 5

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“…and oh! Before I forgot! Don’t tell Julieanne what I told you regarding her marriage.” Butch’s voice echoed.

WOOOSH! “Hey watch it!” Elmo exclaimed as he evaded the stick.

“Dude, your mind is beyond reach again! Focus!” Elmo’s sparring partner snapped.

“Sorry, I am just tired.” Elmo excused himself, “Urgh! What a day!”

“Seems like you’re still bothered by what Madam Paliza told you huh?” Mike opened up, “You didn’t put up an impressive game in your Arnis today.” He added.

“Uh, yeah…”

“Elmo, what really happened back there? We both know that you love the history of World War II compared to any other topics.”

Then I remembered what butch said a while ago…


“Why shouldn’t I tell her? Don’t you think it would be lot easier to fix history in that way?”

“Just do as I say lad.” Butch shoot.

“Fine! Hey! But can I have someone to help me with this too?”

“Funny young lad! Do you think someone will actually believe you if you tell anyone about it?”

“Uhm, you have a point…”


“Nothing…” Elmo managed to say, “… My mind was just.. jaded.” He made up.

“Tsk, here grab a cookie.”

“Mike, I have a question.”

“Sure what is it?”

“How do you convince a girl not to marry someone?”

“Man, that’s hard… I dunno’… why?”

“Nothing, just curious.”

Good thing Mike gets used to how my mind usually works. As you could see I have this habit of asking questions just for the sake of asking them. Sometimes, out of the blue, I will ask something to anyone. This irritates most people and it is only mike who enjoys it. Well, because we’re alike!

“I can’t think of a better way Elmo, sorry.” Mike apologized.

“It’s okay…”

“But I know someone who can help.”

“Really? Who?”

“Follow me!”



“Father thou art looking for me?” Julieanne asked.

“Yes my dear.”

“What is about?”

“Thy Marriage. Julieanne, thou have to reconsider…”

“Father, I mean no disrespect but if we will be talking again about this matter I’d rather stay in my chamber.”

“Julieanne wait!”

Has father’s mind been completely lost? Why is he so adamant in persuading me to marry Wilhelm?



“Elmo, I would like you to meet Sander.” Mike introduced “Sander, this is Elmo. He wants to ask you something about girls.”

Sander, Sander… oh yes! Sander Villanueva! 4th year engineering student! He was our Mr. University two years ago and very famous to campus girls (and young professors). How come Mike knows him? Weird!

“Another poor soul stuck in the friendzone!” Sanders said while smoking.

“Huh?” Elmo reacted.


“It’s Elmo.” Elmo corrected.

“Whatever. You should first know the basic concept of women and men.”

“Wait, you don’t even know what I wanted to ask.”

“Oh, you don’t have to tell me, I already know!” Sander said as he pointed himself “Trust me! I am an engineer!”

Shoot! This guy is too arrogant!

“First things first, males and females, though both are humans, are entirely different.”

Oh boy here we go!

“Let me give you an example, a very hot Male and a very hot Female met in a beach. Both became attracted to each other. So the female said, ‘Can I touch your chest?’ and the male answered ‘sure if you let me touch yours too’…”

“Dude I don’t see your point.”

“Don’t be hasty, let me finish!… now the question is, what did the Female said to the Male after she touched his chest?”

“Uhm, ‘nice chest’?” Elmo answered.

“No Stupid! She said ‘oh it’s hard!’… now what did the male said to the female?”

“Uh, ‘oh yeah’?” Elmo answered again.

“NO! NO! NO! How could you be so dumb? What he said is ‘Oh its soft!’  Now you see? Men and women have different likes and preferences! Women want it hard, Males want it soft! Women wants secretly what men have, while men desires what women have.” Sander dropped his cigarette and stepped on it “You get it?”

“Shoot! Mike let’s get out of here! This guy is making me nuts.” Elmo said in dismay.

“Don’t ignore it dude, I tell you! That chest story made me who I am now! I hope you learned something dude!” Sander waved.

“Mike I can’t believe you know someone like him!” Elmo exclaimed.

“I was just trying to help you.”

“It wasn’t even a help. Now my mind is all messed up because of his stupidity.”

“Well maybe there is a deep message behind his words?”

“Yeah right. By the way, how many weird people do you know?”

“Well if I include you, that’ll be 23.”

“Veeerrry Funny Michael! Very funny!”


“Julieanne, please listen to me my daughter!” Manfred knocked on Julieanne’s door.

“Father! Please leave me for a moment. I wanted to think.”

“I do hope thy decision is what is best for all of us, Julieanne. I am just doing this because I don’t want you to live in a world where war is just in front of your doorsteps. I want the best for you Julieanne.”

“Father please give me time to think.” Julieanne begs.

Manfred sighed.


How can I get out of this dilemma? What should I do? Everyone in the castle is already looking forward to my marriage with the Prince; I didn’t give my answer yet! Oh I feel so alone…

“Sir Elmo thou art there?” Julieanne wrote.

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