Chapter 7 (unedited)

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Warnings| Strong Language, sexual content.

~Astery's p.o.v~

I hate him so much

I wish we never met.

      I lost all respect for Pierson. Everything I used to feel for him is down the drain. For the last three days, I have been in bed drowning in sorrow. Eating a tub of ice cream, as the sun shines through my curtains. Mom knocks on the door, asking if I'm going to school today but I don't respond. "Are you alive in there?" Mom nearly shouts.
"Unfortunately" I groan

   Mom opens the door; she stands at the doorway shaking her head when she sees me in bed again. "Oh, Astery..." She says walking over to my bedside. She sits down on the edge; I glance at her and then break down crying.
"Aww, sweetie," Mom says, her fingers stroking through my hair.

"He called me retarded, Mom. Said my suicide attempts were bullshit," I sob. "How could he say such a thing?"

"He's a not get angry and emotional by jerks" Mom advises.

"Mom, that's not helpful," I say with a cracked voice.

"I know..I know" She says, rubbing my back.

    Mom stands up; when walking over to the window, she opens the curtains. The sunshine is bright enough to hurt my eyes; I groan and hide under the covers. My phone is vibrating constantly, but I'm too heartbroken to check it.  Mom leaves my room, I can hear her and Dad talking outside my bedroom door. "He's depressed...." She says.

"What can we do? We have tried to get him out of bed, but he hasn't moved" Dad nearly yells.

"Don't get mad at me...I am trying my best here" Mom says firmly "What are you doing? Besides sitting on your ass all day".

"You wanted the kid, not me" Dad whispers sharply.

     I can hear their footsteps fade as they walk away from the door.

\\\Time Skip\\\

(Yesterday, 5:38pm) Pierson: Asteryian, please talk to me.

(Yesterday, 8:00pm) Pierson: I fked up.....I know, let me make this right.

(Yesterday, 10:00 pm) Pierson: I love you so much. Please talk to me.

    On Friday I walk into school with an extra large sweatshirt on and black sweatpants. I keep my hood up,  the whole time I'm strolling through these hallways. Everybody watches me, I see many worrisome expressions. I mean...Pierson's outburst caught the attention of half the school, so it sort of makes sense. When standing at my locker, I collect my bookbags and school supplies before closing it.

I walk a few feet up the hallway, then suddenly hear a familiar voice. "Asteryian" Pierson says. I stop walking and take a deep breath, he eventually moves infront of me. "I been texting you nonstop" He says "You haven't answered any of them"

Geez, I wonder why. I say nothing, just stare at him while shaking my head. "I messed up..said things I should've never said" Pierson explain, grabbing my hands "But we argue all the time and no matter what, we still find a way back to each other".

I still say nothing, little does he know I have hit my breaking point. "Baby...please say something" Pierson begs.

"It was more than an argument..." I say softly,  "You said some... things"

"I know but..." Pierson starts to say

"Words you can't take back" I say with a shrug

"Asteryian...I'm sorry" He says

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