Chapter 25 (unedited)

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Warnings| Strong Language

Astery's p.o.v)

I keep walking until I can't anymore. My feet feel like pins and needles, both are extremely swollen. My fingers are now turning blue, I lost feeling in all of them. Finally, after strolling these woods for what feels like forever. I see a road out in the distance, across from it is a gas station.

Though my feet and hands hurt from frostbite, I run in that direction. Trying my hardest to fight through the pain, until I arrive at the gas station. By the time I get there, my toes are starting to turn black. I limp inside the building, it doesn't take long for a clerk to rush over. The woman with long grey hair, green eyes and wrinkly skin immediately could tell, something is wrong.
"Oh dear...." The woman says, once she runs over to me I collapse in her arms "What happened to you?"

"H-help me.."

The woman holds me up with her one arm, while calling 9-1-1 with the other. "Hello...yes, I need someone to get down here. A boy just walked in, he is slurring his words. Has a ligature mark on his neck. He only has a shirt on, no pants or shoes..." She tells the dispatcher "He's hurt, please hurry"

In the midst of waiting for paramedics to arrive, the woman tapes heating packs on my severally swollen hand. A desperate attempt to at least save some of my fingers from having to be amputed. My hands are turning colorless, I become numb with cold. I glance at the woman's name tag. So, if I die. I know who was with me during my last moments. "Destiny?" I say her name loud and clear , before passing out in her arms.


(Third p.o.v)

At the Fargo, North Dakota police department, dispatcher- Linda takes time tracing where Asteryian Heddling was calling from. Linda skims through the information on her computer screen, colleague- Diana leans over her shoulder to help Linda out. "Can you trace the call?" Diana asks, like Linda hasn't been trying to do that for the past few minutes.

"I don't know...." Linda says, quickly putting her headset back on. She suddenly snaps her fingers, alerting the boss to come over "Asteryian Heddling" She blurts once the boss approached.
"What about him?" The boss, Justin Mule asks.
Linda looks at Justin, "He called....said he needed help, was slurring his speech I could barely understand him".

Justin's eyes widen with amazement, slowly a smile spreads across his face. Justin points to these other dispatchers that remain at their control room consoles "Did anybody call Captain Mallory?" He talks frantically.

Another dispatcher, Owen hangs up the business phone "I just called" He says, putting his headset back on.

"Good....thank you!" Justin says, he directs his attention back to Linda "Were you able to trace the call?"

Linda sighs, if she had a dime for everytime someone asked that. She would probably be rich, "It came from Bismack" She says, handing him the paper she wrote the address on.

"...hold on" Other colleague, Ross announces quickly moving the microphone away from his mouth. Ross just got off the phone with a gas station store clerk "Just got off the phone with a woman at a gas station" He continues "She said, a young boy came in with no shoes, no pants. Just a shirt....and he had a ligature mark on his neck".

"Did the boy say his name?" Justin asks.

"Yeah..... Asteryian Heddling" Ross tells him, quickly picking up the phone. He calls the squad room to update them on the new findings.

\\\ Time Skip\\\

An ambulance has already been sent out to Exxon gas station, along with several police officers. Pierson rides in the back of a patrol car while Officer Tony drives to the place, where Astery was allegedly found. Once police and paramedics arrive, they surround the parking lot. Pierson is quick to jump out of the patrol car and run inside, disobeying Officer Tony's orders to stay put. When you first walk in there Asteryian is laying unconscious on the floor, pale as a ghost and foaming from the mouth.

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