Chapter 22 (unedited)

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Warnings| Strong Language, mention of drugs and kidnapping
| Third p.o.v|

Drew Daughtler has been on the run for weeks, after his name was plastered on these news. Fifty-two-year-old is wanted for several charges. Including: tampering with evidence, accessory to rape, accessory to murder, and frame-up. Since Drew Daughtler is indeed a police chief, the police captains at Fargo, North Dakota- Captain Noble and Captain Mallory- from Wilmington, Delaware, have told both departments to trail lightly. Due to Drew being on the run, police have to take safety precautions.

Nobody knows the whereabouts of Drew Daughtler or what his motive is. Police aren't taking any chances though. Especially since Drew Daughtler's son had recently passed away, they never know when he is going retaliate. Drew might be out for revenge. The question is, who will he target?


Back at Wilmington Delaware, Rueth Loveton appears in the courtroom for his bail hearing. Charged with child endangerment and negligent hiring. Rueth has made up his mind, deciding he will plead guilty. Going against his lawyer's wishes. Rueth stands before a judge, remorseful
for his careless and irresponsible actions.

The courtroom is packed with friends and family of Asteryian Heddling, they rally in support of the vulnerable teen. Who they haven't seen in four months; it's close to New Year's, and Asteryian is still not home with his family. Francine Heddling and Hank Heddling sit next to each other, holding hands. Francine holds a frame with Asteryian's middle school picture, close to her heart. Jessica Haye sits behind the parents, with a box of tissues in her lap.

The courtroom is so full that people are standing up because there is nowhere to sit. Astery has all his family members there, but Rueth only has five people who came to support him. His mom, Bridgett; his daughters, Kelsey and Lynn; his wife, Lauren; and his brother, Mitchel. Rueth knows what he did was wrong, so he expected most of his family not to show up. Rueth didn't even think his wife and kids would be here.

"Rueth Loveton, you are being charged with child endangerment and negligent hiring" Judge Becka announces, "How do you find?"

"Guilty, your honor," Rueth says.

"But...daddy-" His eight-year-old daughter, Kelsey, says. Rueth can hear the hurt in her voice. However, before Kelsey can interrupt any further, Bridgett covers her mouth.

"Is this your plea?" Judge Becka asks Rueth.

"Yes, your honor," Rueth declares openly.

"Nobody is forcing you to make this
decision?" Judge Becka asks, shuffling through these papers on her bench.

Rueth shakes his head, then lets out a sigh "No your honor"


Judge Becka accepts the plea, circling a sheet of paper with a red pen. She then says "Bail set at twenty thousand, cash only"

Rueth is soon taken away by bailiffs. He gives his family one more glance, mouthing "I love you" before the door closes behind him.

|Pierson's p.o.v| ~ Fargo, North Dakota

"My head hurts...." Astery says for the fifth time today, he is sitting upright in the bed. He is eager to get up and move around, but due to his concussion, he is strictly bedbound. Needing assistance to walk to and from the bathroom, h
"The nurse just gave you, something for the pain. It will kick work within the next hour" I tell him, pulling these blankets over him.

Astery pouts, unhappy with the answer I gave him. He starts to whine, "But I'm in pain now...why can't it work now?"

I sit on the edge of his bed, my hand brushing against his cheek. "I can't make miracles happen," I tell Astery, my lips kiss the top of his head.

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