Chapter 21 (unedited)

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Warnings| Strong Language

Despite my defiance, I wait in the waiting room. However, I can't sit still without knowing if Asteryian is dead or alive.  The last time I  saw Astery was two hours ago, a lot can happen within that time frame. I  don't want to overthink and assume the worst, but I'm left with no choice.  Since a doctor hasn't come back to talk to me yet.

I  pace around the waiting area, unsure of what to do. The only thing keeping me sane is, knowing Asteryian is in God's hands. Roberto is sitting down, trying to distract himself by reading a magazine. However, my constant pacing back and forth is making Roberto nervous.
"I don't mean to be a dick....but, can you like sit down? You are driving me crazy" Roberto says.

I don't appreciate Roberto being inconsiderate. I have been going through it for the last few weeks. First, I learned that Asteryian ran away with someone twice his age. Then, I  discovered that Astery had amnesia. And now, to top it all off, Asteryian is falsely accused of rape which resulted in him getting beaten up in prison.

Asteryian is on his deathbed right now, so I refuse to sit down. Especially when I don't know what's going on behind the scenes. "Shut up" I  yell at Roberto.
"Excuse you-" Roberto says, appalled by Pierson's attitude.

Although, Roberto started the confrontation,  I am gonna finish it, "The love of my life is in the hospital. He is dying. For all I know, he could be dead already.  So, don't tell sit down" I speak loud and firm, making sure I get my point across.
    Roberto scoffs, "Love of your life, yeah, okay."
I shoot Roberto a glare; Roberto continues, "He's the love of your life, but you called him retarded. Make that make sense"

   I haven't been able to forgive myself for hurting Asteryian. The R-slur is probably the worst thing that has ever come out of my mouth. The most hurtful even. I know an apology won't fix the damage I caused. I can't take back these words I said. The mouth is known for being a powerful weapon, because of that reason.

However, the least I can do is stay by Asteryian when he needs me the most. "It was a mistake..." I  say softly, finally sitting down. "That I wish never happened"

"Words hurt..." Roberto declares "It's a proven fact that verbal abuse is just as harmful as physical and sexual abuse."

    Before I can say another word, a doctor finally appears from another the corner. Confronting Roberto and me in the waiting room, I immediately stand up.  My heart skips a beat at the sight of him, nervous about what Dr. Elyun is going to say. Is Asteryian okay? Is Asteryian alive?

Oh God. If he is dead, what do I tell his mother?  I  inhale, holding my breath while Roberto rests his hand on my back as a comforting gesture. Just so I know I have his support. "Asteryian is going to be okay. His heart is beating again"  He explains.
I let out a sigh of relief, and a small grin appears on my face. Roberto rubs my shoulders, "See, it's going to be okay" He tells me.

"Can I see him?" I quickly ask.

"Of course, right this way"

When I return to Asteryian's hospital room, he remains in the same spot. Lying in the hospital bed, motionless. The coloring in his skin has faded. Between these facial injuries and his paleness, Asteryian doesn't look like himself anymore. I pull up a chair and sit by his bedside,
where I stay throughout the night.

    I fall asleep with the side of my face, resting on his hand. I connect with him the only way I know how. By touch.  Can he feel me?

| Third p.o.v|

The mother of Paige Deten, Desiree Deten is under arrest after shooting Sylas Daughtler. This comes weeks after her daughter's body was found in the woods at Camp Adama. Desiree made a vow to Paige that she would get revenge on her killer. Desiree might spend the rest of her life in jail, but at least she can go on with her life knowing she got the last laugh. "Okay, you are under arrest.." Officer Wentin says to the forty-eight-year-old woman "For the attempt of murder"

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