Chapter 19 (unedited)

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Warnings| Strong Language

Media| Before I go by Lewis Capaldi

Sylas Daughtler~

"Sylas..." Prisonmates holler when seeing my face again "SYLAS DAUGHTLER!!". Though it's been ten years, they can recognize me. A prison guard places me in cell B, locking the door from the outside. I lean forward, resting my chest against these metal bars. "Nice to see you again, Aaren," I say with a smirk on my face.

The prison guard, Aaren, places his headphones on and starts bobbing his head. I sit down on the bottom bunk of these bunk beds, which is made of metal. Cold to the touch and very uncomfortable to lay on, but you get use to it. I watch different prison guards come and go, as the time goes by. Soon falling asleep peacefully,  only to be woken up an short time later. My eyes peek up, when I hear a loud banging noise. It's Aaren, "WAKE UP...sylas, time to make your one phone call" He says, opening the gate.

   I walk out toward these phonebooths, immediately dialing my father's number. Drew Daughtler. "Helloo?" Dad says.
"Dad" I say.
"What's up son?" Dad asks "Wait....are you in jail again?"
"Yes ...." I glance around, then start to
whisper "What happened? I thought you were gonna get rid of Astery's ambet alert?"

"I did..." Dad says

"Then, how did they find him?" I say firmly

"Your asking me? I don't know..." Dad declares.

"Damn it...okay, it's fine. It's fine.." I say, placing a hand on my forehead and Immediately change the subject "I just need you to bail me out.."

"Sylas....I don't know if I can-" Dad starts by say.

"Come on....please" I beg "I don't want to stay in here"

"Ugh...I guess I can take out a loan" He sighs "I don't know how soon though.."

      Since the rest of the family want nothing to do with me, Dad is the closest to family I have. My cousins hate my guts. My aunts and uncles ignore my existence. So, Dad is the only one I can turn to. Plus Dad is a police chief, nobody can lend a better hand  than him. "Okay, love-" I pause seeing Asteryian, being escorted through prison. I smile at him, "Love you" I say to Dad, then hang up.

     Astery is put in the ceil next to mine, locked up. He place both hands through these metal bars, shaking his head at me "I know you had something to do with this"

"Oh Asteryian....whatever do you mean?" I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Frame me for rape, that's a new low-" Astery exclaims, his eyes are bloodshot red from these tears.

     I laugh, grabbing onto the metal bars that keep Astery restricted. I look at him with a smirk on my face, he is even cuter in an orange jumpsuit. "Ask me how I did it" I whispers sharply.

       I continue to laugh at the thought of it. How I became so smart, I even tricked law enforcement. A full condom, a syringe and a dead body. Put all three of them together, it makes the perfect crime.
"Why? I thought you loved me" Astery says with a cracked voice.

"I told you not to mess with me..."

~Pierson's p.o.v~
  "Pierson......calm down!"

    Nobody has ever calmed down, when a person told them to. So, I don't know why Roberto keeps saying those exact words. I rip the Iv out of my arm, causing minor bleeding. I limp to the chair, fighting through the pain as I put my pants on. "You are not fully healed, yet. What are you doing?" Roberto says, beyond concerned for my well-being.

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