Chapter 34 New York

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Staceys POV

Been back in New York was great especially with Mark and Max. When we arrived yesturday Mark had arranged for his driver Thomas to pick us up from the airport. He even had Tom buy Max a cot to sleep in while we are here.

I was totally surpised when we arrived back at his apartment to see the cot and toys for Max.

Mark is turning into the perfect part time dad to Max like a step father.

Today I will see my new office and meet the interior desginer and the marketing and advertising team that Mark had already arranged for me plus view seven houses on the south side of Manhattan.

Boy I have a busy day I asked Mark's neighbour Susie to watch Max while we are out today.

I feel bad leaving him but I have way to much to do to have him with me.

Mark could tell I didn't really want to leave my baby boy with today been our first day in New York and I don't really know Susie but he reassures me that Susie is more than capable and has children and grandchildren of her own which made me feel alot better.

So now I am down town at my new office Mark had the different teams meet us in what will be my office but right now it a shell with a table and chair.

I welcomed everyone and started the meeting I decided to meet the each department and client one by one.

With the plans of the building in my hands my first appointment was with the interior desginer and the architect to show them what I wanted done. As I have decided to change the whole layout of the building. Then I spoke to builders and electricans and the computer technicans.

After that I decided to go to lunch with Mark so we could plan out how we wanted to market and advertise TOC.

We then decided to put off marketing and advertising until the new layout of the building was done.

Mark made a call to tell the relevent parties and rearranged the meetings.

Then he called his property agent and told him we was on our way to his office to pick him up to go and view the properties he had lined up for us today.

We arrived at the office and Mark got out when he came back he had a set of keys in his hand.

" Mark what's going on why do you have a set of keys in your hand?"

" Stacey my darling trust me all will be relieved soon"

" Mark I do trust you "

" Good, Tom lets go"

After a 40 minutes drive we pulled up outside this beautiful house it was huge I couldn't believe my eyes from the big windows to the large driveway and garage. I turned and look at Mark who said nothing and just opened the car door and got out taking my hand as he exisited the car.

We walked up to the front door Mark opened the door with the keys and walked in pulling me inside. He turned to me and said " Welcome home baby I hope you love it as much as I do. I wanted to surpise you I saw this online last week and brought it for us but just incase you didn't like it I set up other properties for us to view."

" Wow" was all I could manage to get out of my mouth as I stood in the large hallway taking in this beautiful large house.

Mark took my hand and gave me the grand tour of our five bedroom three bathroom house.

I even have my own office and Max has his own playroom.

As we walked around the house more I fell more in love with it that I couldn't stop smiling and taking pictures.

It was time to leave but before we did I took Mark into my arms and kissed him " I love it thank you baby"

" Your welcome huni"

Back in the car and on our way to Mark's apartment I decided to stop off and buy some grocerys to cook Mark a thank you dinner.

When arrived back to the apartment Mark went to get Max and I went inside to start dinner.

I decided to cook one of my famous recipes I cooked when I was in university and shared my apartment with the girls.

It was a super hot and spicy rack of lamb with crushed baby potatoes and carrot puree with a red wine jus, And for Max I am going veggie pasta.

After about half an hour Max's food was ready I about to feed him when Mark took the bowl from me and said " I do this for you baby why don't you go and take a bath I will even watch the food to"

" Thanks baby I want be long"

" Take your time babes I have everything under control"

" Ok thanks"

I went upstairs and had my bath by the time I came out and back downstairs Mark had put Max to bed set the table for dinner he had even lit candles I couldn't believe my eyes.

After dinner Mark and I cuddled up on the sofa and watched tv, but before long I was fast asleep on his shoulder after my long and exciting day.

Mark picked me up and carried me up to bed.

The next morning Mark surpised me with breakfast in bed.

After breakfast we took a shower and got ready to go and meet his parents. I wasn't  sure if he told them about Max so after I got dressed and got Max dressed I was about to open the door when Mark asked me. " Where are you going baby we have to leave soon?"

" I am just going to see if Susie is in and if she could watch Max for us while we go to see your parents"

" Why I thought Max was coming with us I already got Tom to put his car seat and his fravourite toy in the car?"

" Oh ok lets go then I wasn't sure if you had told your parents about Max so I didn't want to assume anything"

" Stacey listen to me when I say Max is apart of me I meant it he might not be mine but he is still my son ok. I love you and I love him you two are my whole world so to answer your question yes I did tell my parents and they can't wait to meet you both now lets go."

I stood there in complete utter shock I couldn't help the tears that flowed from my eyes.

I handed Max to Mark and went back upstairs to get my purse and phone.

I rushed back downstairs as I was so exicited about our first proper day out in New York as a family.

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