Chapter 31 Stacey Gets A Surpise

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Stacey woke up next morning around 11am she heard knocking on her door she opened it to see a man holding a parcel. She took the parcel trying to figure out who it was from but she had no idea. The man handed her the pad to sign so she did.

Stacey closed the door and walked over to the couch there was a envelope on top of the parcel so she opened it and read the card it said.

" Happy belated birthday mummy love Max"

Stacey opened the parcel she was in complete and utter shock as she opened it. John had got her a Chanel silk dress and shoes. There was another note. Happy birthday the shoes are from Max and the dress is from me I hope you like it.

Stacey went back upstairs to get her phone she decided to text John " Thank you very much I love the present. Can you bring Max to see me tomorrow afternoon say around three?"

" I am glad you like your present but I taking Max to see my parents we leave tomorrow but I will arrange with my lawyer for you to see him when we get back."


Stacey flang her phone on the bed she's now totally pissed off and she decides to go and take a hot bath to try and help her relax theres something about her ex husband that totally pisses her off everytime she speaks to him.

Stacey is relaxing the tub when she hears her phone going off knowing it's a message decides to get out and check the phone.

She noticed the message was from Mark it said " Open your door"

Stacey quickly put on her robe and went downstairs to open the door.

" Oh my days what are you doing here?"

" I really missed you so after I spoke to you last night I booked the very next flight out. Stacey I can't be without you I have decided to take leave from work for as long as it takes to finalize your divorce and get Max back so we can be together in New York."

" Wow I can't ask you to do that I haven't even got the divorce hearing date yet I Dont know how long this all will take"

" You let me worry about that I love you and I am sure work can manage without me plus my partner has everything under control. I want to be here for you I need to be here for you I was going crazy not being with you"

" Mark I wasn't gone that long "

" Exactly but it was long enough for me, I cant help it if I am totally and hopelessly in love with you Stacey"

Stacey looked into his eyes and she planted a passionate kiss on his lips which Mark deepened and he picked her up and carried her back upstairs.

Stacey forgot all about her bath as Mark lied her on the bed and pulled open her robe " beautiful" he whispered as he placed her plump breast in his mouth.

Stacey moaned and she was pushing his head down towards her now wet and throbbing pussy. Mark was enjoy her begging and guiding him to where she want him to be but to tourture her some more he refused to move his head as she pushed.

" Mark stop tourturing me I can't take anymore just give me what I need and want"

" Patients my beautiful queen you will get what you want and need Dont worry about it"

And with one final push from Stacey Mark gave up and grabbed her legs opening them wide and sunk his tongue right into her pussy moving it at what felt like a 100mph to Stacey.

She screamed her pleasure as her first orgasm reached and Mark lifted his head up and pulled her to the edge of the bed and placed his fingers inside her working her up towards orgasm number two.

Stacey's body was shaking and twisting Mark loved the way her body responded to him and without further wasting of time he slammed straight into her with his hard dick. Stacey grasped as she wasn't expecting it.

They twisted and turned with sweat dripping off their bodys as they both reached thier peck.

" Wow you really did miss me didn't you?"

" I told you"

They both rolled over and got off the bed and headed to the shower. When they entered the bathroom That's when Stacey remember her bath now totally freezing cold she let out the water and turned on the shower.

They enter the shower together and closed the door. They quickly washed off as they both having no energy left and needing food and sleep and didn't care the order it came in.

They finished in the shower and went straight to the bedroom and climbed into bed.

They lied there trying to sleep but bother their stomachs started groaning for food.

" I think we should eat first don't you?" Mark said

" Yh I guess so"

" So what do you want to eat then"

" Mark I have no idea I just want food so I can sleep you wore me out"

" Ok lets go downstairs and see what we have"

" Ok"

They got out of bed and made their way to the kicthen. Mark opened the fridge and the cupboards to see what he could cook but there wasn't much there so they decided to order pizza.

While they waited for thier pizza to be delivered Mark and Stacey decided to watch a movie.

Thier pizza arrived after about 45 minutes they ate and drank half a bottle of wine between them finishing the movie they where watching  before they went up to bed.




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