Chapter 39 Angie continues to play with John

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Angle POV

Arriving back in after my second date with Josh I was very shock to see that John had waited up for me again. I knew getting back at him was going to easy but I didn't think it would be this easy he is like a love sick puppy just seating up waiting and stressing about the time I get in.

" Angie do you know what time it is I've been worried sick where have you been all this while?"

"John I told you I had a date with Josh this evening so what's the problem me being out does not affect the job you are paying me to do so I suggest you staying out of my private life or your just gonna have to find another nanny,"

" Surely it has come to that I am sorry if you thought I was over stepping the mark but after the other night when you got back I thought we had become more than just employer and employee I thought we were friends and friends lookout for each other?"

The next morning I decided to stop the games with John and tell him how I feel but by the time I woke up he had already left for the office so I decided to text him

" I heard what you said to me last night about us being friends but I can't be your friend John I am in love with you and I have been going on dates to make you jealous because of the way you spoke to me the morning after we made love. So I just wanted to tell you how I feel and say sorry for the games I hope you can forgive me and we can move on from this because I have strong feels for you and I love Max as If he was my own. I will see you when you get home from work xxx."

Moments later I received a text it was from John " See you when I get home we can talk then I love you to"

I began to cry but I don't even know why I guess it was excitement and also knowing John felt the same way. I ran downstairs into the kitchen to see what we had in the fridge tonight I was cooking John dinner.

After I had prepared what I was going to cook I went upstairs to find a sexy dress and the highest pair of heels and then went to check on Max.

Max was still sleeping which gave me time to pamper myself for later I even made sure I had matching undergarments.

The rest of the day went fast and by the time I had finished my pamper session and started cooking Max's dinner and our dinner it was already 5:30 and John normally get home around 7  because he likes to spend time with Max before I put him to bed at 8.

Dead on seven I heard the car pulling up into the drive and I quickly took Max and went downstairs to open the door.

After John put he's bag down and changed his clothes I went to get myself ready while he spent some time with his son.

When I came back downstairs Max was fast asleep in his dad's arms so I took him up to bed.

I came back downstairs and went into the kitchen I called to John to come as dinner was ready. He was totally shocked when he saw all the effort I had made including with myself.

" Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight Angie and dinner looks great thanks"

" Your welcome anything for you, you know that"

" Well I do now"

" So how was your day today? "

" It was ok but the best part was receiving your message"

" Oh really now mister eat up we still have dessert to come"

" Oh wow but I couldn't eat anything else right now maybe later "

We finished up our meal and went over to the sofa cuddled up and watched tv.

A few hours later we went up to bed but this time I went into John's bed and that's where I will stay from now on.

Been honest with John has been the best decision I have ever made in fact it has brought us alot closer together. Even Max has settled back in nicely after being in New York for so long with his mother and never staying in this house till recently. All is well and more than I could wish for.

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