Chapter 13 The engagement party

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Its the day of the engagement party John and Stacey met in town for breakfast and to spend at little time alone together as they havent had alone time since their guest arrived.

" Baby I have missed you I cant wait for tonight to be over so my parents can go back home they are driving me crazy. Mum always got something to moan about and dad has been annoying and bring up the past about my choices. I wish I made them stay im the hotel after all"

"John dont say that their your parents and you and I both know you wouldn't let them stay in a hotel so who you trying to kid. I didnt have to persuade you that hard and or that long for them to stay with you which means you had it in mind but just wanted to be stubborn."

" Stacey thier driving me crazy seriously. Anyway hows your week been I have missed you I need some TLC after everyone has gone"

" Ok baby I can do that my weeks been good. Oh by the way the restuarant called and said that a Tara had asked if it was to late to attend to night? Who is she John?"

" I dont know baby the name doesn't ring any bells"

" Well they said she asked for you personally and she didnt want to leave her last name or a contact number"

" I will call James and see if he knows a Tara coz I dont baby"

" Hmmm Johnathan Andrew Lewis you better not be lying to me"

"Stacey baby trust me I dont know her I promise you that"


Its was time for the couple to go back home and get ready for the party on the way back from dropping Stacey off at the hair salon John decided to call James

" Hey bro".

" Hey mate where are you I am at your place and your parents said you are out"

" Yh I am with my beautiful wifey"

" Oh get your arse back here you will see her in a few hours"

" I am making my way back now just dropped her off at the hair dressers oh by the way mate do you know a Tara and did you happen to invite her tonight?"

" Tara you say no I dont know a Tara expect the one you dated back in school"

" That wasn't me James that was Shaun"

" Well who cares that the only Tara I know and why do you ask?"

" Apparently Tara found out about tonight and called the Resturant to find out if she could still RSVP for tonight or was it to late the hostess that took the call called Stacey as she found it strange that Tara wouldnt leave her surname or contact details. So I thought that I would see if she might be one of your many girlfriends since Shaun is engaged"

" Well no she's nothing to do with me John"

" Ok mate I am on my way I see you in ten"

John hang up the phone he was very curious who this Tara was that when he got back to his apartment he went into the loft and took out a box with his old high school photo album and year book and he look through to see if he could find Tara.

To his surpise there was a Tara Knight. John put everything back in the box and took his year book and went down to James and Shaun.

James had already filled Shaun in on Whats been happening. After showing them the picture John had a flash back and pictured Tara and screamed

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