Chapter 17 I Do

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John and Stacey and their family arrive at the venue at midnight the night before the big day due to transport delys etc.

When they arrived the happy couple said their goodbyes and went to their rooms.

The rest of the gang expect Johns parents went to start setting up for the big day.

They started with the main dinning room where wedding breakfast is to take place arranging the tables and placing the tea lights and orchids on every table they also put lovely little poems by each name card.

Although Maxinehad spoken to Shaun and the others on their way down to the venue and they decided to set up the tables on the main dining room and decorate them she decided to ask the venue and the extra waiters she hired to set up the drinks morning fresh just before the guest arrives.

After dressing the main dinning room they went to dress ballroom which leads to the court yard where they will be having drinks and canapes before the main meal. They placed a few tables and chairs around the edge of the ballroom leading out onto the courtyard. After that the gang went to bed.

The next morning bright and early Maxine goes downstairs to do all the last mintue checks. The staff was preparing the place settings and arranging the breakfast for the guest and the bride and groom. They will be having theirs in thier rooms. The rest of the gang joined Maxine downstairs for their continental breakfast.

Back up in the rooms John and Stacey cant wait to see each other they had been texting all night.

Finally it was time for everyone to get dressed and hair and make up had arrived for the girls and Stacey.

After hair and make up was done the girls helped Stacey into her dress and grabbed the bouquets of white roses for the girls and lavender ones for the bride.

Back in John's room the boys had left thier spouses and gone to help John get ready.

Before long it was time to leave the rooms and make their way to the castle church on the otherside of the grounds.

Maxine had gone ahead to make sure everything was ready and perfect.

As she arrived the boys arrived and took their places shortly after that Johns parents and family arrived then all the other guests and final the bride.

Stacey began to walk down the aisle and the classical band John hired to play when he proposed started playing. Stacey had the biggest smile on her face she couldnt believe her eyes when see her handsome husband to be.

They said their vows and now they are out in the garden and by the lake taking pictures.

Its now time to head back for drinks and canapes in the ballroom and courtyard.

The happy couple walked around greeting their guest and taking photos.

Before long the guest where escorted in to the dinning room and to their tables. After all the guest where seated the bride and groom made their entrance followed by John parents and rest of the bridal party.

The rest of the day and night went to plan and now its time for the happy couple to leave.

Back in the room John and Stacey change out of thier evening wear and head straight to bed as they had an early flight in the morning.

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