Chapter 20 Five Years Later Part Two

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Stacey comes Home
Its the day Stacey comes home from the hospital after her disagreement with John she decided to work on her marriage and hoped that baby Max would bring them closer together.

Since find out about how Stacey had been feeling John took time off work and has been by his wife's side considering how close he came to losing her for the second time.

They arrived back home John took Max out of his carrier and put him in the cot to sleep. He had hired a nanny so Stacey could rest for the first few weeks.

Thier nanny was called Mary she was about 35 but didn't look a day older than 25, she has long blonde hair and is very slim. She is from Canada but lives in Surrey not to far from John and Stacey.

John comes downstairs and walkes over to the kicthen
"Honey are you hungry"

" No babes just tired I am going to lie down"

" Okay Max is in the nursery and Mary should be here soon"

" Okay wake me when she arrives and Max has a bottle already expressed in his bag so if he wakes up before I do then please give it to him"

" Ok sweetheart have a nice rest I be up soon to check on you both"

" Ok". Stacey goes up to bed.

A few minutes later Johns phone beeped he had a message.

" I havent seen you in days why are you ingoring me I need you, you said you loved me"

He deleted the message and went back to prepare dinner for his wife. What seemed like hours had past was only minutes John looked at his phone "4:30 Where is Mary she was suppose to be here already?" he thought to himself.

He searched through his phone for her number he found it and was about to press call when there was a knock at the door he put his phone down and went to open the door.

" Your late"

John said staring at Mary who was wear a short red and white summer dress that hugged to her hips and breast highlighting her figure and show off her body.

" Sorry I am late Mr Lewis my other meeting ran over my apologise is Mrs Lewis home" she said walking into the house.

" Yes she upstairs resting" John said closing the door behind her and walking back towards the lounge just wait here I will go and get her.

" Sure Mr Lewis"

" Its John" he said with a smile walking out the room and going upstairs to call Stacey.

A few mintues later both John and Stacey came downstairs baby Max was awake so they brought him down to.

When Stacey saw Mary her eyes widened. She turned to John and said " honey can I speak to you for a minutes please?"

John looked at Stacey and turned to Mary

" Mary would you mind holding the baby please we will be right back"

" Sure" she said taking Max from his arms.

Stacey takes her husband hand and leads him into thier home office next door to the lounge. They walk in and she closes the door.

" John how could you hire that infant to look after our son?"

" She not an infant shes 35 and came highly recommended from the agency you signed us up to, plus she has good references and is highly trained she has a degree in child care and is first aid trained"

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