Chapter 41 Happy ever after part one

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It's a week after Stacey's and Mark's wedding and now they are waiting for the birth of their twins.

Stacey's POV
Finding out I was having twins was a shock but I am very excited. I have Max here as well as John and Angie came to the wedding but they have gone back to Chicago now and left Max with us so we could spend time with him before the twins come in a few months.

Mark is very happy also about the babies but he is totally run of his feet getting the nursery ready and making sure they have two of everything.

We decided not to find out the sex of the babies we want it to be a surprise. Mark's parents have been here everyday since the wedding and with Max here I am grateful for the extra pair of hands.

Since moving to New York I see the girls more often and Maxine and I Skype each other everyday. She likes teasing me how fat I am getting. Then I just remind her I have two babies growing inside me.

The business is up and running and very busy I go to the office as much as I can but now days I am so tired. Lucky for me I have a great team and they seem very confident.

A few months has now past Max has gone back to Chicago as he's about to start kindergarten soon I can't believe I have a almost two year old son already time has flown by.

I am now about seven months pregnant and I can barely move this pregnancy has been very tiring and hard work. For the past three weeks I have been on total bed rest as I was showing signs of high blood pressure.

Poor Mark has had to finish buying the babies things and setting up the nursery by himself. He has even been going to the office for me and checking on the progress of the bookings.

Luckily all our bookings are in New York for the next six months so hopefully by then I will be feeling better after having the twins so I can go back to the office part time.

Mark's parents have said they will watch the twins when the time comes for me to go back to work.

My goddaugther Sophia has been staying with me the past two weeks as her parents have gone away for work. But she's old enough now to take the bus to and from school which is down town. Sometimes Mark will drop her on his way to his office as her school is about 20 minutes drive from there.

I have about three weeks now till the babies arrive so everyone is on speed dial just in case they come early. My bag is all packed thanks to Mark and his mum and also the fridge is pack of food that his mum cooked.

Now it's just a awaiting game which is driving me crazy as I can't wait to give birth and meet my babies.

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