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I sat in the back of a taxi heading to my favourite bar from before I met John near my old apartment I really needed a drink and I needed to forget. I cant believe I trusted him after all that shit he said at the hospital Arrrrr I could kill him right now.

I arrived at the bar I went in and walked up to the bar

" What can I get you?" Said the sexiest bartender I have seen in a long time

" Double vodka and coke and keep them coming" I said smiling

" Sure"

After my sixth vodka and coke I turned to the bartender and said

" Can you call me a taxi please"

" Sure Miss Whats your name and where are you going?"

I look into his eyes and I could feel the room spin "Its..... Stac..ey and I am going to ......... wait where am I going? I dont know mmm..... oh yh I remember now I am going to the hotel."

" Yes but which one"

" London Hilton in Park Lane"

My taxi had arrived I got in with the bartenders help I took my phone out my purse and turned it on I had twelve miss calls from John and Mary I laughed and just deleted the voicemails and called Maxine

" Hello" she said in a quite voice

" Max sorry to call so late he FUCKING her Max"

" Who Anita"

" No Mary"

" Your nanny?"

" Yea"

" Where are you?"

" In a taxi heading to the hotel"

" Are you crazy wheres Max?"

" I left him I just walked out"

" Tell the cab to drop you here"

" Ok"

I hung up and turned to the cab driver and said "Change of plan could you take me to 24 kennington park road please?"

" Yes sure I can"

I arrived at Maxine's and she was on the door step waiting for me she helped me out the cab and into her flat.

She tucked me into bed and put a bucket next to the bed in case I was sick and she climb in next to me and we went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up with the hang over from all hang overs and the room was still spinning. I could feel that I was about to be sick I got up and ran to the bathroom.

when I walked back into the room I saw Maxine asleep and I grabbed my clothes and was about to head out the door when I heard " And where do you think your going missy?"

" I was just going to take a shower and start breakfast"

" Oh yh and I am David Beckham" Stacey bring your arse back on this bed and explain yourself you said John FUCKING Mary how do you know did you catch them?"

" Well not exactly"

I told her exactly what happened and what I heard and that niether of them denied it when I walked in and confronted them.

Maxine brusted out laugh I couldn't help but laugh to although my heart was breaking.

I turned to her and showed her all the message from John and what I sent him last night before I left the house.

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