Sierra at hogwarts

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(The Belgian Turvuren is Sierra patronus)

Sierra POV:

Hi, my name is Sierra Jean Snape, you know one of professor Snape daughters, well anyway I came to tell you about my self like what I look like and my personality and possibly other things too. Let get started on my looks..... I have dark brown hair, also my hair is normally wavy-curly but me and my sister like to keep it down because it easy to do. I have brown eyes like my sister but it really dark, almost as if it is black and pink lips, I put on lip gloss just to make my lips look a little bit darker than normal because I have my father personality, I'm always mean to others, I wear a lot of dark clothing and I also have a little bit of his looks so that either his regular straight face so he shows no emotion or when I'm angry. I'm also pale. To be honest I am quite nice around my dad, sis, and it depends on the friendship I have with my friends. As you know (I think you know) that my sister has already told you that I was put in Slytherin and she was Gryffindor. I have to admit, I don't mind if my sister was placed in Gryffindor or in those other groups but I do think that she forgot to tell you that I am older than her by 5 min while she is younger, also I am very protective of my sis because last year she had a boyfriend, and she found him cheating even when the guy claims to say that he hasn't so my sis went up to me and told me to the whole story and after that I got up, went to look for him, pinned him against the wall with me just holding around his tie and told him to never mess with Snape's ever again because as you know me and my father tend to be mean and cruel while my sister is all nice, kind and forgiving even though it takes me a long time to forgive something. Also Im not the kind of person to be open with secrets but our mother left us because she just used my father to help herself become rich but he did make an unbreakable vow to her saying that he will take care of us, at first he didn't really love us until we were in our second year because he wasn't good at parenting but he did do a good job raising us even if that mean we had to get yelled at because that what made us stronger and more confident. So now our father loves us but he is super protective because we are the only thing he got and he doesn't want to lose any more of his loved one. And that he is extremely protective of his daughters when it comes to boys because he knows how they are. Now you know a little bit more about my self, now it time to let out father tell you our stories and how we act at school.

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