Talents and News for the Snapes

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The picture above are the twins bedroom!

Severus POV:

This is our second week staying with the Malfoys for Christmas. Me and the Malfoys we drinking a class of coffee when an owl arrived at a window. Lucius went up and open the window which lead the owl to fly right at me, it dropped a letter. I open the letter right away because I recognized the writing, it was from the ministry of magic. As soon as I read what was written, I apparated to Spinners end just to find, firefighters pouring water on my house because it burned down. I was walking towards my house with my mouth hanging, one of the fighters came and asked me if this was my house and I respond to it by saying yes.  Then the fighter apologized for that my house was burn to the ground. Great me and my family are homeless. I don't have enough galleons or sickle to buy a house in the wizarding world so I guess we are out on the streets.

Lucius POV:

As soon as the letter dropped on Severus, he open it almost immediately. I saw the envelope and recognized the writing, it was from the ministry of magic. When Severus dropped the card and apparated away, my wife pick up the card and started to read it, soon I started to read it as well. When I finished, I couldn't believe that death eaters were trying to kill Severus but instead, they burnt his house right into the ground. When my wife finished reading it, she was about to say something until i said that they will be living with us. My wife was shocked at me, like I read her mind then smiled saying thank you. After she said that, one of our house elves popped up and said that the bedrooms were ready, last time Sierra was here, she was using the guest room. Once Sierra is Un-petrified, she will have her own bedroom along with her sister and my sons. Our manor was rebuilt because when the dark lord was alive, every single death eater including him self lived here and we didn't want those memories coming back, so me and my wife decided to destroy the house and rebuilt it with more floors. Our old building had 3 floors, this Time the manor has 10 floors. We have quite the house now plus we also change our furniture from all black to, brown, white and black. We change our house into a modern kind of house. Taylor is staying here, I asked all of our house elves to make bedrooms for the Snape twins and the Malfoy twins, my sons. Narcissa and I followed Daisy, one of our house elf to the tenth floor, which had the biggest deck and only deck that showed a beautiful view of the back yard. I also asked the elves to crave their name on the door, so all in birch wood, had their names. I decided to enter sierras and Taylor's room with my wife following behind me, Sierra and Taylor had a mixed color between purple and pink, they both had bookshelves and two beds underneath with a couple of light pink cupboards in the middle. On the right side of the room, they had a closet and a desk. The whole bedroom colors were black, pink/purple I will admit, Sierra and Taylor room is beautiful. Then I went to the next door right beside it, it was Draco and Ezra room, I enter it and against the wall was a bunk bed, a little above the top bunk had a letter M, I gues that means Malfoy. Then on the left side of the wall had a desk and on the right side had a toy box filled with their clothing. I was happy with the rooms that the elves made and paid them all. Just as we arrived downstairs, Severus reappeared and the kids walked in through the door, they went to diagon alley to hang out.  Taylor went to greet her dad while our sons both greeted us. Then Severus said that he had some bad news. Me and my wife already knew the news, so when Severus told Taylor, she said it was terrible and now we have to live on the streets but before anything else, I said that they were able to live with us considering that we have a gigantic house. Severus said that they would be a burden to intrude on their family and taylor agreed with her father but all of the malfoy insisted that they should stay and finally they gave in!  I called up Elena, a shy house elf and told my son and Taylor to show them to their rooms. Also the girls will be getting their own bathroom that is currently being constructed on to their bedrooms. I really hope the kids like their rooms.

Taylor POV:

Today myself, Draco and Ezra went out, we had an amazing time! Surprisingly we only went to the three broomsticks and got butter beers. Then we went home, well the I'm staying at. When we arrived, our father told us some bad news, our house burned down! I was about to say something until Mr.Malfoy said that we could live at the manor. Our father said that we would be a burden to then and i agreed, but the Malfoys insisted on us staying so we agreed. Then mr.Malfoy called up a house elf to take us to our new rooms. I didn't know we were moving in that quickly. We went to our rooms and mine and my sisters was beautiful, then I went to the boys room and said it was alright, girls are better. The boys were happy with my complement then the insult went through their head and they started to protest on how boys were awesome. I decided to sing, one of our hidden talents. I started singing unbreakable (song above), i also put a silencing charm around my bedroom so the boys couldn't hear. After we finish singing, we heard a couple of claps and the boys we standing in my doorway, they told us that they loved my singing and that Ezra knew the counter charm for the silencing charm so we heard everything, same with the twins parents that showed up from behind a wall along with our father. Boy I was so embarrassed. Then the family said that we should join choir at school. I guess we could considering we are good singers and that the family loved us. After they left,  I transformed into my animgus and started to talking to myself. As I was barking, Draco and Ezra both ran into my room and saw me. Draco had a confuse face and so did Ezra. Draco was very confused because he doesn't remember his parents getting dogs, then I transformed into my normal self, Draco mouth dropped while his cute brother laughed.  I explained to them on how me and my sister found out that we were animgus and that we know how to control our powers. After explaining, the three of us decided to chat, Draco on Sierra bed and Ezra sat next to me on my bed. We chatted for a couple of hours and Draco fell asleep laying down. Then Ezra turned to me and mutter something without making eye contact. surprisingly all of us got to know each other better, what our likes and dislikes were, our hobby and other things. I asked Ezra was he said, I wish I was your boyfriend. Just as he said it, he slapped his hand over his mouth and his face became red. I told him to close his eyes and he obeyed, I removed his hand from his mouth and place a kiss on his lips, soon he kissed back, I broke away and told him to open his eyes. When he did, he asked me if I could be his girlfriend, I quickly responded to him by saying yes and giving him a kiss on the cheek. This will definitely be the best Christmas ever!

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