Taylor at hogwarts

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(The Shetland Sheepdog is Taylor patronus)

Taylor POV:

Hello everyone, my name is Taylor Jean Snape, and I have a twin name Sierra Jean Snape, but I do have to warn you, Sierra is my mean twin except that she is mean to other students, yea.......anyway I'll tell you what I look like. I have dark brown hair with light brown eyes I got from my mother and most of the time my hair is curly. I'm also tan, it's very unlikely for the Snape family, I could possibly gotten it from my mother. I also got my personality from my mother because my mother personality was a wild spirit so that means she was never afraid to show her true feelings and give her opinion, many people told me that my father (Severus Snape) is evil and that he doesn't love me at all, well that not true, the truth is that he does loves me as well as my sister because I'm just being my self even if I don't even look like him or even act like him! And he still loves me for it while my sister looks like him and acts like him sometimes, well most of the time except around me and my father. I forgot to mention that this is our fourth year at hogwarts and we are both 14 years old but the only problem is that when we got sorted, I was placed in Gryffindor and my sister was placed in Slytherin, my dad got a little upset but not that much. I think I told you enough about me, sorry if I didn't describe that much stuff on how I look like but at least you sorta know about my background knowledge. Now I'll let you go on to my sister and she will tell you about her self.

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