Finding out a seceret

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Snape POV:

Apparently I was a few minutes late at dinner but not that much late since Draco and Sierra both came in to have dinner around 45 min later but I was quite surprise to see Taylor and Sierra not sitting by each other but also giving them glares for no reason. So Sierra went to sit with Draco and Taylor just sat by herself talking to some Gryffindors. I had a feeling that they were up to something, something thing that didn't feel right to me, and I suspect there a secret here that no one is telling me, so I decided to drag Draco after the Slytherin table has finished eating and I pinned him against the wall telling him to tell me what he has found secret he has found out about my daughter, and Draco told me about the fight both girls had. I threatened him to tell me other he would be cleaning up the whole school without magic. After he told me, I went straight to Sierra because I trust her more than her sister because she was always honest while Taylor......not so much. So I opened the door to the Slytherin common room and as soon as I walked in, everyone went to their dorms immediately and I went to talk to my daughter, and she has told me everything, about her sister leaving her for important staff work, finding her kissing a Gryffindor boy that a year older than her, getting into a fight about not being loved and cared for, and how she was comfort by Draco, after she told me all of this, I was furious with Taylor, I mean like Sierra has always been by Taylor side and this is how she repaid her?!?! (DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY TAYLOR, IT NOT REAL, I KNOW YOU WOULD NEVER HURT ME LIKE THAT) I went up to the Gryffindor common room and said the password, the picture was shocked to see me here because I don't ever go to the Gryffindor dorms or common room but the picture had to let me in........ As soon as I walked in, everyone was smiling expecting to see Minerva Mcgonagall but then they got scared as they saw me walked in, I asked them where was Taylor, they all kept silence, so I said, I won't give you dentition if they told me where she was and yet they all kept silenced, so eventually I gave up and left. It was up to me to find her, I walked around the castle but she was not there, so I decide to go outside and look around. And she was no where to be found then I thought.......The forbidden the forest! She couldn't have gone there!! I ran as fast as I could just to hear some quiet sobbing as I arrived, I looked around the forest and saw a girl crying her heart out, I was about to ignore her until I realize it was my daughter, I put one of my hands around her shoulder and she instant shot her head up to see who it was, and she started shaking after she saw me, I apparate back to Hogwarts with Taylor and she was now shaking uncontrollably. As always I was never mean to my daughters but I deserved an explanation to why she had hid a secret from her sister and myself, so Taylor explained the whole story of how she met the boy and became friends and soon started dating, I have to admit I was about to let all my anger out but I managed to stay calm through the whole story but it would take me a while to forgive her for what she has done to her sister, of course I was protective of her about boys but for some weird reason I decided to give her a chance with this guy, but if he made me daughter cry or get hurt by himself, he will have to face the living anger that within inside of me. So I let Taylor go to her boyfriend and called Sierra up to my office, in less than a minute Sierra came in and I told her about the talk with Taylor....... Sierra wasn't very happy about me giving her a chance to be with this guy, but Sierra won't forgive Taylor for the fight they had.

(Skip all the way to December)

Sierra POV:

Me and Taylor still hadn't made up for the fight we had in October, but since it was Christmas this time, I asked dad if Taylor was staying with us this time, and he didn't know so I asked him if I could spend Christmas with the Malfoys, my father hesitated at first but then agreed, so I gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged him. After that I ran back to the dorm and started packing, apparently Draco knew because he saw how excited I was to come and spend time with him for Christmas and he was excited that I was gonna be here!

Taylor POV:

I still hated Sierra for ruining my life but I didn't want to spend Christmas with her so I asked dad if Sierra was gonna be with us and he said no, which made me happy because then I would just spend time with him and not having to worry about my sis, my boyfriend asked if I wanted to go with him but I declined and said, I want to figure some stuff out with my dad and beside he never spent Christmas alone, I loved my boyfriend because he was so caring and was able to understand with so he said alright I'll see you after Christmas and away he apparted.......... My dad went back to his house for Christmas and I had to admit, I missed being back home

Snape POV:

My daughter Taylor decided she wanted to stay with me for Christmas which was quite surprising because I thought she was gonna stay with her boyfriend but at least she home, she might want to figure some stuff out with me and I don't mind at all, I love being there for my daughters and talking with them like we were one perfect family but without Sierra, it made my heart sank but as long as she is happy with the Malfoys then I am happy

Sierra POV:

Draco was already at the quidditch arena waiting for me and while he was waiting, he was talking to some women that appeared to be his mother, his mother was the first one to notice me walking towards them and I was instantly greeted by her, she told me who she was and that Draco father was getting everything prepare for our arrival because it was the first time, Draco had ever brought a friend that was a girl to the Malfoy manor and Narcissa held out her arm and off we were to the manor

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