Lord voldemort rises

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He who shall not be named POV:

It's finally time for me to take over the school and the whole wizarding World! Myself and the death eaters have already created a plan. We were all going to go into the school invisible, and into their classes. Then we would start throwing spells at them and that will make everyone see us. Soon enough we will have a wizarding battle that no one has ever seen. We finally broke into the school unnoticed and into the classrooms. I entered the DADA classroom where a women was teaching. I started throwing the killing spells at her and the students, most of the students got away because their professor was defending them but I manage to kill 5 students that were Hufflepuff and surprisingly I also killed the professor. I walked over to the students and saw that they were completely dead, then the professor. She was dead as well, I also looked at her wrist and it said, in Slytherin green, Severus Snape. So Severus is here and alive, I just hope that my fellow death eaters manage to kill everyone so I could take over the entire world.

Severus POV:

Right now I was in class with my daughters Sierra and Taylor. Soon my left wrist started to hurt, I looked over and saw the yellow color fading. Then I started to cry because my wife was dead now, I wanted to kill whoever killed her, I wanted to avenge her! Then class was finished, as the class walked out, I began walking as well and into the grand hall since it was lunch time. When everyone arrived, I noticed all the third year Hufflepuff and gryfinndor running from DADA. I asked them all what happened, but no one said a word except for one because the rest were petrified with fear. The boy said that the death eaters broke in and killed her, soon we heard a deadly laughter. Then the death eaters revealed themselves, including the dark lord. All the 4,5,6,7 years stood in front of the younger years, the younger years were shaking with fear, including the older students, but I knew they would have more courage because they know how to defend themselves while the younger ones don't. As I was thinking of all this, I didn't realize that the death eaters were already shooting spells at them until one nearly hit me, I started hitting them back with my secumspemtra spell, I hit at least 12 death eaters and watch them bleed to death. By the time, all the death eaters were running outside, all of the students and professor decided to follow them, some went in one direction while others went in a different directions. I saw my daughters running straight and out the main doors, everyone either went left or right but they didn't. I decided that I'll be hitting the death eaters from above, so I went to the astronomy tower. There I noticed a whole bunch of death eaters, waiting for students to come and murder. So I killed them with avada kedvra. No one seem to notice where I was until bellatrix lestrange showed up. Soon I was dueling with her, we kept dueling until I disarmed her. There I used reducto on her and bellatrix went to pieces. She was dead. I heard a shrilling scream and I turned to look over, seeing that Taylor got hit by the crucio curse by the dark lord himself, there I noticed an expelliarmus spell being cast from out of nowhere and disarmed the dark lord. The crucio curse finally finished on Taylor and she grabbed her wand and used stupify on him. Then Sierra revealed herself and said "NEVER!! TOUCH MY SISTER YOU FILTHY LITTLE BAG!!" And soon the girls used Avada kedvra on the dark lord, with a flash of a green light, there he once stood, was lying on the ground. Both girls put their wands together and aimed it at the rest of the death eaters and yelled out "AZKABAN" there was a white light that blinded almost everyone, when it was finished, all the remaining death eaters were gone, the only thing that was left was their wands. I flew to where my girls were and tapped them on the shoulders. They both spun around and gave me a hug. Then they all went over to the injured people, and just using their hands, they healed everyone. The castle was destroyed and all of knew that I would be a long time to fix hogwarts. We spent at least 4 hours trying to chase and kill the death eaters. Soon the ministry of magic came and saw my daughters with these wands, they also noticed their powers over time because every student has a trace on them. The aurors announced that the death eaters killed some of the workers in the village and ministry. They needed a new minister for magic, so they walked over to my 16 year old daughters and asked if they would like the job at the ministry. Taylor immediately said no, she said that she wanted to be a professor of something else, but Sierra said yes, and soon the aurors and some of the workers were happy. We all went to diagon alley and every single witch and wizard was there, the aurors took Sierra up to a stage and yelled out "Attention everyone! As we all know, the death eaters and he who shall not be named tried to destroy us today, a lot of people here died including the students at hogwarts. This will take a long time to fix but working together will keep us United. So today, myself being the second ministry in command and now retiring, I give you our new Mistress of Magic! Sierra Jean Snape, one of the most powerful witches in the world, she was the one that defeated the dark lord, including her twin sister, Taylor Jean Snape! Taylor come on up! We are glad to have these to witches in our lives so let's give them a round of applause!" Taylor went up to stand beside her older sister, and together they placed their wands diagonally and put it up in the air, shouting "REPARO!" And with everything in a yellow light, the town and school was fixed. Everyone gasped at the sight because no one has every fixed anything that quickly and fixed every single thing. Soon they both went down and Ezra ran to Taylor while Alexander ran to Sierra. They both kissed and I smiled. It was sad to know that the girls lost their mother when they just met her, but I know that they will always love her.

Sierra and Taylor POV:

Right now, we were in potions class. I was partnered with my sister while our boyfriends were partnered with each other. While we were working on our potion, we both noticed that our father was crying and holding his wrist. My sister told me about that our wrist would hurt if our true loved died, so I decided to talk to her telepathically.



*do you think our mother died right now?*

*i'll be completely honest with you, I think she did otherwise, daddy wouldn't be holding his wrist*

*i can't believe mom just died, what do you think cause her to die*

*i honestly have no idea, could it be possible that the death eaters broke into our school because just as I entered the classroom, I felt a source of some powerful dark magic*

*yea I guess your right because I felt the same thing as well*

Soon class was over and we all went to the grand hall to eat, just as everyone sat down, all the third year Hufflepuffs and Gryfinndors came running, our father asked them what was wrong but no one dared to speak except for one boy saying that the death eaters were here. My sister and I shared a look of horror on our face just as we heard laughter, a laughter so cruel that it could kill someone. All the death eaters revealed themselves including the dark lord. After revealing themselves, all of the 4,5,6,7 years stood up and the younger years went behind our backs for protection. I know that me and my sister were the only ones who could defeat the dark lord once and for all! So we battled. Once it was time, all of the students and professor went to the courtyard where everyone was waiting to defeat him, my sister threw the stupify spell at the dark lord but he managed to easily dodge it and threw the crucio curse at me. The torture was horrible! I was invisible so no one could see me, I got so mad at my sister that I disarm him and said "NEVER TOUCH MY SISTER, YOU FILTHY LITTLE BAG!" Then Taylor stupify him and together we both killed him just using avada kedvra. All the other death eaters we trying to escape but failed miserably because we both put our wands together and said "AZKABAN!" All of the dark lord followers were gone, the only thing left from them was their wands. Taylor and I were both relived at this. Soon someone tapped on us and our father was standing, we both crashed him into a hug then let go to heal all the injured witch and wizard with our hands. Hogwarts was destroyed, a beloved home that everyone called during their times there. Soon the ministry appeared at the broken school, mostly the aurors and some of the other workers. They noticed our wands and our powers. One of the aurors or should I say Ex auror announced that the death eaters destroyed the village and the ministry, killing some people and some injured. The ex auror that came up was the second person in command for the ministry and was retiring. They needed a new minister for magic, so he walked over to us. He asked us if we wanted a job with them, Taylor said no because she wanted to become a professor or something else, I said yes and they all smiled. Soon everyone went to diagon alley and they transfigured a stage for us. All the aurors and workers went on the stage and the auror that asked me if me and my sister wanted a job to come up on the stage and he said, "Attention everyone! As we all know, the death eaters and he who shall not be named tried to destroy us today, a lot of people here died including some of the students at hogwarts. This will take a long time to fix but working together will keep us United. So today, myself being the second ministry in command and now retiring, I give you our new Mistress of Magic! Sierra Jean Snape, one of the most powerful witches in the world, she was the one that defeated the dark lord, including her twin sister, Taylor Jean Snape! Taylor come on up! We are glad to have these to witches in our lives so let's give them a round of applause!" Everyone gave me and my sister a round of applause, I couldn't believe it, myself being the new mistress of magic! This was one of the happiest days of my life! Wow! My sister being the new mistress of magic, I wanted to become a professor or a singer. I didn't feel like working with the ministry of magic, we both had the same idea and placed our wands together, we put it up in the air and yelled out "REPARO!" Every single thing in the wizarding world was fixed. Everyone gasped at us because no one has ever been able to fix anything or everything that quickly. We were truly one of the greatest witches to ever be known. Soon we got off the stage and Ezra came rushing to me giving me a kiss while Alexander, Sierra new boyfriend, gave her a kiss. We loved everyone, I especially loved my sister because she is my other half that I don't want to ever lose!

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