Meeting Alexander

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3 months later (November)

Sierra POV:

Ever since I got the name Alexander Nightmare on my wrist. I decided to look for him and see if he accepts me being his soul mate. I recently broke up with Draco, and he told me he was under the influence of a love potion but that did not change the fact that his soul mate was Astoria Greengrass. I never told my father about me breaking up with Draco because I knew he would be angry and beside, I knew him like he was my brother so it wouldn't worked out in the end anyway. As I was wandering through out the halls, I heard my name being called out. I turned around and there I saw, Alexander Nightmare, my crush plus soul mate. I slowly walked over to him and he was doing the same, when we were close enough, he asked me if I accept him being my soul mate and I said yes, then I asked him the same question, and he responded by kissing me. The kiss had a spark, electricity ran through my body and so did his. After we broke away the kiss, Alexander asked me to be his girlfriend and I kissed him as my respond for saying yes. Then we heard a lot of applauding, Alexander and I turned around to see all of the gryfinndors standing. I turned red because of embarrassment. Then he put his hand through mine and we held each other's hand. It was the start of November when we first started dating. We entered the great hall, getting a lot of stares from everyone including the professors. My father and mother stared at me like I had three heads. I let go of Alexander hand and walked over to the Ravenclaw table while he walked over to the gryfinndor table. I was too busy staring at him to realize that my sister was talking, I snapped out of my daydream after I heard his name. She told me that if he hurt me in any way, she would hunt him down and use avada kedvra on him. I laughed at her over protective sister enthusiasm. Normally I'm the one who over protective of my sister. I was happy that I met my soul mate.

Alexander POV:

For 3 months I've been looking for Sierra, man that girl is hard to find now a days. Then I notice her walking past the gryfinndor portrait. Soon as I noticed her, I called out her name. She turned around and started to slowly walk towards me. I was doing the same until we were close enough to hear each other and only each other. I asked her if she would accept me for being her soul mate and she said yes! Then she asked me the same question and I responded by kissing her on the lips. The kiss had electricity and sparks went through my body. We soon heard applauding and turned our heads just to see my whole house clapping at what we just did. Sierra put her head down because her face was red and was embarrassed. I put my hand through hers and we walked all the way, into the grand hall still holding each other's hand. We got a lot of stares, including the professors, especially professor Snape and our new DADA professor Paradise, we all knew that professor Paradise was married to professor Snape so it would be way to confusing to call them both by professor Snape.  Just then, Sierra let go of my hand and walked over to the Ravenclaw table with a smile on her face. Soon I walked over to the Gryffindor table and started daydreaming of what our lives would be like if we were married. I was so busy daydreaming that I didn't know my buddies were talking to me until, I heard Sierra name. Then they all started saying that if Sierra hurt me in any way, they would kill her. I smiled at their enthusiasm for standing up with me. I'm glad that I finally met my true love.

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