New year

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A/N, ok sorry, I had no ideas what so ever about the Snapes spending their times with the Malfoys. So I'm just gonna skip to the new school year.

Sierra POV:

I can't believe it's our sixth year. Boy time sure flies by. One more year then we graduate.  This year dumbledore retired from working as headmaster of hogwarts. Our father is going to be the new headmaster this year. I can't wait to see what he does. We all entered the great hall, and our fathers gets up on the golden eagle and presents his back to school speech, before he stood up, everyone was talking about the new headmaster and who it was since no one was sitting in the headmaster chair. When the doors opened, out came our father with his bellowing cape of doom. When he stood up on the golden eagle, everyone mouth dropped. Hahaha their faces!! But when our father was presenting the speech he said that we have to walk to classes in rows, we weren't allowed to walk freely. Apparently with the dark lord rising, he does not want us to get hurt especially the first years. Soon it was time for the first years, every house got new 10 students. Then we ate and followed our prefect to put dormitory after getting our schedule. Ever since me and my sister came back from Ollivanders wand shop, I could not stop thinking how powerful we were with these wands. When we made it to our dorms, I went looking for my dorm and it was the same as last year. I entered and waited for my sister. My sister finally showed up, took her long enough! Soon she just collapsed on the bed and instantly went to sleep. I giggle to myself before lifting her up and putting her in a comfortable position before getting into bed my self. This was going to be long year.

2 weeks later

Draco POV:

Ever since the beginning of the school year we had to walk in rows. I feel so weird doing it because then I cannot talk to Blaise or Theo. I've always wondered if I could talk to my brother telepathically. So I decided to try it

*hey Ezra, can you hear me?*

*Draco? Is that you?*

*Brother! We can talk telepathically*

*I can't believe it! Now we can talk without having to wait in the common to chat*

*finally we can chat......Do you think the Snape sister have this kind of power like us?*

*I honestly don't know, I think the would because they are one of the most powerful witches now*

*true, oh would you look at that, I arrived at herbology, how great!*

*haha brother, I love your fake enthusiasm!*

*i know, I'm awesome. I'll talk to you after this class if finish*

*okay, I just arrived at potions so chat with you later*


Wow we can chat telepathically. I'm finally glad we can do that because for some reason, I've been starting to think about Astoria Greengrass instead of Sierra Snape, oh how my godfather is gonna kill me for liking another girl. I'm practically cheating on my girlfriend, I mean Sierra is a great girlfriend, whenever I want to be alone, she leaves me alone, when I'm partnered with other girls, she doesn't mind because it for work and she is super pretty. But Astoria on the other hand, I don't know, she just makes me feel complete. I'm gonna need some Advice from my brother.

Taylor POV:

I've been noticing that Draco has been spending less time with Sierra. Could Draco be cheating on Sierra? I decided to telepath her, we found out that we could chat telepathically and that we could become invisible.

*hey sis*


*have you been noticing that Draco been spending less time with you?*

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