Final year

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A/N: this is the last chapter until I upload epilogue and then this book is finished! If you liked this book? Please share it with others! Thank you!

Severus POV:

Well, this is the final year for my daughters and it the end of the year for all of the seventh years. That includes my daughters. Taylor wants to become a singer just like her mother, oh how I miss Sandra. Sierra already have a job, the Mistress of Magic. She was in a lot of stress during the school year. I still remain headmaster of hogwarts, and I changed the rules since now the dark lord is gone. For the end of the year this year, the professors and I are holding a ball for all the years. It will be our graduating party for everyone.

Draco POV:

My new girlfriend Astoria is wonderful, I'm glad that Sierra broken up with me, she was my sister anyway so I wouldn't have worked anyway but we were still best friends. Severus has finally raised enough money to buy a new house and this time, in the wizarding world. So he moved out and so did the other Snapes, meaning Taylor and Sierra. Sierra is doing a wonderful job at being the Mistress of Magic, even if she started at age 16. Taylor wants to become a singer which I think is amazing. Otherwise this is our final year, surprisingly gryfinndors and slytherins are getting along. I'm now friends with Sierra boyfriend, Alexander Nightmare. I still can't believe we are all grown up and ready to move on.  I already asked Astoria to the ball and she gladly said yes. I can't wait because when the ball comes, that when we finally graduated!

Ezra POV:

I'm so ready to spend my life with Taylor. After we graduate, I'm gonna ask her to marry me. After defeating the dark lord, the aurors asked me and my brother if we wanted a job at being an auror. We accepted it right away! This means I could work with my sister in law. If she accepts. I can't believe that hogwarts, the place we call our home is finally ready for us to move on.

Sierra POV:

It's our last day for our seventh year. Alexander and I were still dating, he recently gotten a job at being an auror, just like Ezra and Draco. Surprisingly the gryfinndors and slytherins are now getting along which I'm grateful for that. My sister and I recently went shopping to get dresses for the ball that my father announced. I got a baby blue dress with silver gems. While my sister got a red dress with gold gems. I can't believe that we are graduating today. That means I can get the school stress off of my shoulders and worry about my job being the Mistress of Magic. My sister wants to become a singer which I think is pretty cool. Soon I'll be having a famous twin. Well I'm already famous because of my jobs and power.

Taylor POV:

Today the day! We finally graduate! My father announced a ball and I had to dragged my sister to shop with me! She really hates dress shopping, more than me! But we ended up buying the perfect dresses anyway. My sister got a baby blue dress while I got a red one. Tonight has to be perfect! It's our last day, everyone wants their last day to be a perfect last day of school! When I move on, I want to become a famous singer like my mother. Me and my sister could have been a duet but knowing my sister, she would never perform. Maybe one day I'll drag my sister up on a stage and sings in front of thousand of people.

The ball

Sierra and Taylor POV:

I was all ready for the ball, I was wearing my dress, blue eye makeup and pink lipstick and my hair in a fishtail braid. I walked down and saw Alexander wearing a black tux with his Gryffindor color tie. He saw me and said "you look beautiful Sierra, ready to show off to the world?" I laughed at his cute line, and nodded.  I was wearing my red dress with, red and gold makeup, and a ladder braid. I walked down and saw Ezra, he held my hand and gave me a kiss, leading me to the grand hall. When we arrived everyone looked and some of the boys mouth dropped. My father was their as well, he gave us a smile. Me and Ezra were talking until the doors opened and out came Sierra and Alexander. Sierra and Alex looked amazing together, we walked over to them and all of chatted until Draco and Astoria showed up and joined in the conversation. We continued chatting until one specific song came up which lead, every single student to head to the dance floor and dance. Me and my sister were singing this song. I was glad that whoever recorded us and then played it tonight. After everyone finished dancing, they applauded at me and my sister and our dates. We were the best dancers there.   He took my hand and led me to a beautiful grand hall. When we opened the doors, everyone turned to look at us, some of the boys mouth even dropped. My sister and her date walked over to us, Taylor gave us a hug and I have Ezra and her a hug back. Then Draco came with Astoria, I was actually that Draco was with Astoria, after all they are soul mates. We all chatted for a bit until one specific song came up, my sister and I were singing this song, we never recorded our songs so someone must have overhead us singing, and decided to record us and play it today. Everyone all headed to the dance floor to dance. Me and my sister were one of the best dancers there. After our song ended, everyone applauded at us. We never felt so loved in our lives, this was truly the best life I've ever had. It was the end of the day and tomorrow was when our new lives started. Our father came over and gave me and my sister a kiss and a hug while crying. Then after he was done, Ezra looked over at his girlfriends and got down on one leg and said "Miss Snape, ever since we met, I've fallen for you, now I wanna take this time and ask you, will you marry me?" My sister started tearing up and said yes. I guess now my sister is a Malfoy. I was happy for her! now the end is just the beginning.

A/N: thank you so much for reading my book!!!! Please let me know that if you really liked it, I will make a second book about their new lives and their kids! Please let me know!! Good bye!

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