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Sandra POV:

I still regret the day I left Severus alone with his daughters. I abandon my own family. I felt way too young to have a family but now I realized with all these people I met on tours, (Sandra is a famous singer) including fans, I've never realized how much I missed my family until I started to see children with their moms and dads. I decided that after this tour, I'll go to hogwarts to see Severus and my daughters.

1 month later, tour is finish

Sandra POV (again):

Right now I'm standing at the grand hall doors of hogwarts, I feel so nervous about this, why? Then out of no where,  the professors appears. When professor McGonagall said my name, I jumped, I smiled at the witch as she was walking towards me, embracing me into a hug. The rest of the professors I just shook my hands with them. Then I asked where Severus is, they told me that the headmaster should be arriving soon. I was confused so I asked and they told me that Severus became the headmaster of hogwarts. I was astonished, my husband is the headmaster and I left him. They told me to come and have dinner which I gladly accept because I missed hogwarts food. Soon as we entered, a few min later all the students came walking in rows and their I saw, almost a replica of my and Severus. My two daughters, I never named then but I could tell they were my kids because of their looks. I was sitting beside McGonagall on her left side which was next to the headmaster chair, Severus chair. 20 minutes later, sev came, he stopped halfway when he was walking because he saw me. Every student and professor was looking at us, then Severus said "Ms.Paradise, how nice to see you again" in the darkest voice he has. I was shocked that he didn't call me Ms.Snape, I was his wife after all. Then I said "Severus, how wonderful it is to see you honey" then all the students mouth dropped including my daughters but no one dared to say a word. Then all of the sudden, Severus released all his anger, it was echoing through the walls, "DO NOT CALL ME HONEY!  Why did you leave me Sandra! You even left your daughters! Your own kids! You should be lucky that I didn't send them to the orphanage! I loved them to much to let them go including you but you just walked out of our lives! I honestly thought you truly loved me, I loved you! But now I don't, I don't even think you should be deserved to be called Mrs.Snape!  Taylor and Sierra, meet your mother, Sandra Sapphire Paradise Snape" he turned to look at two girls, apparently I was looking at the wrong girls because I thought they would be in Hufflepuff but instead they were at the Ravenclaw table, I saw two girls stand up and walked over to their father. They were talking but I couldn't hear because they were far away, then the two girls came up to me. One had pale skin with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes while the other had tan skin with brown hair and light brown eyes. It was easy to tell the difference between the two. The girl with the pale skin introduce herself, she name was Sierra Jean Snape then the other girl introduce herself saying she was Taylor Jean Snape. They both held out their hands for me to shake, I shook it and they said it was finally nice to meet you mother, they had a little smile but not so much. They walked back to the Ravenclaw table and I looked at Severus, he told me that we will talk later and walked over to the headmaster seat, soon we all enjoyed dinner again.

After dinner

Severus POV:

I can't believe it, my ex wife came to hogwarts, I guess now she wants to be reunited with her family now. I decided to give her another chance, we were talking in my living quarters. "Severus, I wanna be in your life again. I'm sorry I left you with the twins, it was just that, I felt too young to have a family, and in sorry that I used you just to get money. I truly do want to be in your life again, I understand that you are mad and so are the girls but please, just give me another chance, I know I can be a good mother now." I replied to her saying this will be your last chance to be in the family, and after saying that, I smiled and open my arms for her to run into. She snuggle up to my arms, for the first time in forever, I felt complete happiness. Then my door opened, and we both looked to see no one. Then after a few minutes they door opened again and this time it locked, soon their was a mist and their revealed my daughters. First, they are animagus, then I hear they are the most powerful witches, now they can become invisible, I think they can talk telepathically, what next! Elemental daughters?!?! They are becoming more powerful by each day. I snapped out of my trance when both of my daughters went to hug their mother. They were crying because they finally get to see their mother, even Sandra was crying because she is hugging her daughters for the first time. After they finished hugging we decided to get to know each other better.

Sierra Snape:

Hobby - Singing, and writing

Song - Hold my hand by Michael Jackson

Food - Steak, potatoes, corn, and gravy

Class - Transfigurations and potions

House - Ravenclaw

Amortiea potion - Pine trees and rain

Wand - Handle: Quartz Obelisk,  Wood: Gabon Ebony , tip: Quartz, Best used for: all subjects, length: 13 1/2 inches.

Taylor Snape:

Hobby - Singing and dancing

Song - Come and get it by Selena Gomez

Food - Hotdogs, and corn

Class - Charms and Potions

House - Ravenclaw

Amortiea potion - Cinnamon

Wand - Handle: Amethyst, Wood: Gabon Ebony, Tip: Amethyst, best used for: all subjects, length: 12 1/2 inches

Severus Snape:

Hobby - Writing

Song - he hates muggle and wizard music

Food - spaghetti and meatballs

House - Slytherin

Amortiea potion - Lilies and chocolate

Wand - Unknown

Sandra Snape:

Hobby - singing for her fans and making music videos

Song - She writes and sings songs

Food - Caesar salad

House - Hufflepuff

Amortiea potion - mint and the ocean

Wand - Handle: Blackwood, Wood: Gabon Ebony, Tip: Quartz, Length: 11 inches, best used for: charms

Now that we gotten to know each other better, we decided to watch a movie call Leroy and stitch a Disney movie. Sierra snuggle up to me while Taylor snuggle up to Sandra, me and Sandra were both snuggle up against each other. Halfway through out the movie, we all fell asleep snuggling up against each other. I'm glad that my daughters finally met their mom. We are the Snape family!

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