Found the heirs

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Sierra POV:

Apparently there is no cure for people that are petrified (if you tell me there is, I know but this is my book, I can decide on how I want my book to be so work with me here!).  I'm surprised no has even notice me being missing yet. Except for Taylor and my father, I'm surprised that Draco hasn't come to see me yet. Maybe my sister and father don't want to tell him because they know that he would be all upset. I guess we just have to wait and see.

Draco POV:

I've been noticing for the past months that my girlfriend hasn't been here, where is she? I was talking to Ezra and he asked me where is who? Did I just say it out loud, my bad. Then I told him where was Sierra, apparently he just realized that now he notices that Sierra went missing. We decided to look for her, since it was a Saturday, we could spend all day looking for her. We've been looking for 2 hours and still could not find her, then without realizing it, me and Ezra were being dragged to the abandon bathroom and we found a sink that has snake attached to it. Then we spoke parstletounge and the sinks opens, Ezra and I were shocked that we did that but even more shocked because a basilisk came out and it said "ah finally the heirs have found me, as you can see I petrified a lot of the muggle borns and including your girlfriend Draco, oh yes. Sierra was strolling through the halls one day and without knowing, Sierra was in here and she spoke partsletounge which she released me. I was so happy but at the same time I must killed her but because she is a half blood, and so powerful I couldn't kill her at all but instead petrified her. I hope you guys don't mind about that, it is not true what the legend says. I can't kill pure bloods but I can kill, muggles, muggle born, and half bloods. I hope you don't mind me slithering though the halls now" then the basilisk left. Me and Ezra were both shocked and I said, "so that why Sierra isn't here, she been petrified and is in the hospital wing with all the other mudbloods". So I quickly ran into the hospital wing just finding 25 muggle borns and 5 half bloods, and one of the 5 included my girlfriend which I found at the end of the wing. Her mouth was opened and her eyes were wide, I noticed that her wand broke, I think the basilisk broke the wand while she was petrified because one of he parts were still the while the other was gone. I can't believe that my girlfriend was petrified.  I left the hospital wing with my brother and we started to work on a plan to kill the basilisk and make it stop petrifying people before it got worse but when we arrived at the common room, there was Taylor, standing still with wide eyes and her wand was in her hand but broken, she was also caring books with her other hand. When we saw this, we knew that we needed a plan and quickly. Ezra took Taylor head while I took her feet and together we brought Taylor to the hospital wing.

Taylor POV:

I was just in the Slytherin common room waiting for the boys to come back, the Slytherins finally accepted us being in Ravenclaws and decided to only let me or my sister in only. No one else. While I was waiting, I knew that they wouldn't show up but if was cool to see what Sierra had live in for the last four years. Soon as I was walking, the basilisk appeared and petrified me like it said. I was stuck like that for 35 min when the boys finally showed up and took me to the hospital wing where I was placed with my sister.

2 weeks later, after a plan was made

Ezra POV:

Me and Draco had a plan. I was going to put the glamour charm on myself to make me look like a muggle born. Then once the basilisk come out, we will both attack it with our wands. But there is one problem, we don't know where the basilisk will show up, our guess is on the 4 floor and near the transfigurations classroom.  It was finally time, I was standing and my brother was hiding. It appears our guess was correct but at the same time we weren't expecting any of the students to be arriving for transfigurations including professor flitwick and McGonagall. When the basilisk tried to attack me, Draco hit it with a spell and it payed attention towards him instead of me. That when I took off the charm and saw everyone backing away with opened mouths, even the professors. I hit a spell and the basilisk and it got hurt but not highly damage enough to die. Then I looked and saw almost everybody left except for the professors that were hiding against the wall but at the same time watching.  Then we heard a screech and saw Fawkes coming with the sorting hat, Draco was to busy fighting the snake to realize what was inside, the sword of Salazar Slytherin. When I pulled it out, it was the same time Draco let out a shrilling scream because a fang has went through his arm, that when I decided to jump in front of my brother and stab the basilisk in his mouth, when I pulled out the sword, the basilisk bit me as well but on the leg. After we finished defeating the basilisk, the professors and students came out and saw us. Then Fawkes came and started crying after I pulled out mine and Draco fang, the tears healed us. Therefore no more muggle borns, or half bloods will be petrified. Everyone cheered for us and we had a party in the great hall, and that when something extraordinary happened!

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