Christmas with the malfoys christmas alone

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Sierra POV:

Ms.Malfoy had me and Draco apparted to the Malfoy manner for me to stay. Draco mother is really nice, his father I'm a little nervous because that where Draco get his attitude from. So after the little ride to the house, I gasp at the mansion and Draco just laugh at me so I playfully slap him against his arm and his mother laugh. The Malfoys took me inside and I was admiring all the furniture and decorations they had so I compliment them on there house. Just them Draco father walked in, instead of him being mean he gave me a warm smile and welcomed me to their home. The mother simply asked Draco to take my bag up to my room while the father showed me around so I wouldn't get lost. I thanked him and Draco showed up to take me to my room and it was very well decorated like if I was living here, Draco asked me if I liked it and I told him I loved it! He was also said that it was very well decorated because his parents is allowing me to live here if I needed a place to stay. So I gave him a hug and he hugged me back like the world was gonna end for the both of us but what we didn't realize was that Draco parents were standing right near the doors while we were hugging and since we didn't notice, we kissed and the Malfoys were smiling! Until the father cleared his throat while smiling and we both turned looking supremely mortified. He said it was okay for us to date because I was a Slytherin and that I was Servus Snape daughter But I told him my father wouldn't accept it because, he was very protective of his daughters and that he only know Draco as my friend and ONLY my friend. Mr.Malfoy said, I'll have a chat with him, because you two seem just perfect together and he also said that we are able to date here or outside of the school without the potion master knowing. So then. After him saying that the father left and the mother was smiling, she also nodded that she approved us being together so then after she left I immediately crashed my lips onto Draco and he kissed back.

Narcissa POV:

I was so happy that Draco finally kissed his crush because he never stopped talking about Sierra Snape since the day they became best friends, apparently Sierra was afraid that her father would disapprove about the two of them being together since he was very protective of his daughters, but I was happy for the two of them because they wanted to be together like always. After I left I heard Sierra crashed her lips onto my sons and my son kissed her back. I quietly giggle before meeting my husband downstairs. I was wondering though, was he actually gonna talk to Servus and have him convince him for Sierra to be dating Draco, it seems like Sierra is a little afraid of what he will say. So I went to ask.

Lucius POV:

I kinda felt guilty when I saw my son kissing Sierra, I never wanted my son to have a girlfriend and I believe that is what Sierra father want as well, not for her to have a boyfriend, but they were best friend ever since the start of school and Draco has told me so much about her, I was actually approving her to be my son girlfriend because well, she is a Slytherin, she Snape daughter and that she has been by Draco side whenever he was stressed, upset or just need a friend with him and my son did the same for her so I guess it would be ok. Call me crazy but I'm already imaging then getting married and have children, okay maybe I've gone too far but what the point they love each other because as I was walking down stairs I heard my wife giggle so I guess Sierra crashed her lips onto draco and he kissed her back. But I was gonna talk to Servus about them dating, even if that mean we have argue I will make sure that my son is happy.  My lovely wife came running more likely skipping to me and asked me if I was gonna talk to Severus Snape and I said yes, even if that meant arguing. So then my lovely wife said that she will join the argue just to make our son happy.

1 week later

Severus POV:

I'm still at hogwarts but my lovely daughter Taylor is keeping me company for Christmas, to be honest I've been seeing her a lot with this Gryffindor guy but I can never get a close look at him. Maybe after Christmas I'll ask Taylor to introduce her boyfriend to me.  So far it been a week since Sierra left and she hasn't wrote to me saying how she enjoy it there at the Malfoy manor. I really hope she is happy because I don't want Draco parents to be mean to her there. Maybe I should owl her, well then better get started on my letter, so I left the grand hall to go to my office. I began writing

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