Chamber of secerts

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Taylor POV:

Ever since we been resorted, Sierra was nice to the Ravenclaws only when she was alone. Of course everyone loved me because well I'm always nice even the Slytherins but there mean to mean but I just shake it off! This year a lot of things have change, my friend Austin finally got together with Hyde, and I did absolutely nothing. They just needed to be themselves. This year me and my sister are staying at Hogwarts for Christmas because our dad have lots of work to do, and I heard rumors about this boy liking me. His name is Xander, he is in Gryffindor, a sixth year, he very popular and had many girls flirt with him, but he never found them beautiful or interesting. So why is he suddenly interested in me? I'm a Snape, everybody despise Snape's except for me. I just don't see what he sees in me. Well anyway, it Christmas time and I have no idea what to get for my father and sister, all I know is that our father is giving us some kind of jewelry and we have nothing to give to him. Perhaps I should give our father a ring.

The next day

Sierra POV:

Today i decided to take a stroll around the castle with just me and my thoughts. As I was wandering around, I went into the abandon bathroom without realizing where I was. Soon enough I kept walking in there like something was pulling me, like this is where I was meant to be. I found myself being dragged to one of the sinks, and I was investigating it and saw a snake on one of the sinks, I was curious so out of nowhere I started speaking partsletouge (I forgot the spelling) and, the sink started to move. While it was opening, something came out and it was a basilisk! Then I realized that I just opened the chamber of secrets. The basilisk looked at me and instead of killing me, it petrified me. I couldn't move but I could hear, and I was able to hear the basilisk slithering out of the bathroom to petrified or even kill students. I was scared for my friends and family. I wish I was able to do something but I couldn't. I was going to be stuck like this until someone comes and get me. While I was stuck in here, a thought came up to my head. Could my sister be the heir? I was terrified for my life if my sister was the heir to Salazar Slytherin.

Taylor POV:

Right now I was looking for my sister. I know that Sierra likes to walk and be alone with her thoughts but, normally she wouldn't walk for 6 hours. She would walk for like an hour or 2 but this was way to long, I'm starting to get worried so I set off to look for my sister. While I was walking I came upon this wall that had writing but it was written in blood and it said, "the chamber of secrets has been open, enemies of the heir.....beware" as I finished reading it, all the students came out from the great hall and saw what was written, soon enough all the teachers came out. My father read what was written and put his hand on my shoulders, then he leaned down and whisper "where your sister," after he said that, a vision came rushing through my head which made me collapsed, luckily my father caught me. When the vision came, I saw a girl walking towards the sink in the abandon bathroom, after 2 minutes of investigating, she spoke partsletounge and the sinks opened, which revealed a basilisk looking straight into her eyes, it took me a moment to realize that the girl was my sister. Soon I came out of my vision and everyone was worried, I stood up and ran to the abandon bathroom to find my sister there but petrified. Then I heard a voice, it said "this basilisk is glad to be free. The heir must, just sing a song to the young one and the curse will lift. You my dear can understand me because you are partsletounge, your sister is the one that released me, do not tell anyone that you can speak partsletounge along with your sister. This basilisk will petrify you and your sister. But I will harm other people, you cannot force me to stop, I'll do what I wish to do. Goodbye my dear and find the heir to Salazar Slytherin" I was shocked at what I heard, but listen to what the basilisk said, I had to simply find the heir and the curse will be released. I Told my petrify Sister that we could understand snakes, and I told her about the vision that I saw of her being here,  I came because of that vision. I had to find the heir and quickly!  After a few Minutes I saw my father at the doorway with his mouth open.

Severus POV:

Today was a regular day, and I saw Sierra taking a stroll around the castle like she does once in a while and I smiled to myself before leaving to teach. I knew Sierra had a free block this morning but Taylor didn't. Soon enough it was the last block and I had Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw 5 year class, I saw Taylor entering my class and taking her seat with the rest of the Ravenclaws but Sierra never showed up, strange she is always in this class but that didn't matter because the faster I teach the faster I can get these dunderheads out of my class, but I never call my precious Taylor and Sierra a dunderhead but the rest, I do. After the class was finish I went to the great hall to eat and I noticed Sierra wasn't there as well. While I was eating Minevera asked me if I had seen Sierra, and I said no. Soon enough everyone asked me if I had seen her but my answer was the same, then I asked them if she was in any of their classes and they said no. It was strange, it wasn't like Sierra to miss any of her classes. When dinner was over everyone got up to leave, while everyone was leaving they all stopped at something. Myself and the other staff went to see what was happening and we looked at the wall which had writing on it, but it was written in blood and it said "the chamber of secrets has opened, enemies of the heir.....beware" I was reading out loud and I saw Taylor. I went up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders and asked if she seen her sister, just as she collapsed, I managed to catch her and put her in a sitting position. When we all went to look at her, her eyes were white. After 5 minutes she finally came back to reality and her eyes were normal, after she saw us, she quickly got up and ran. I followed her without her knowing and she went to the abandon bathroom, where she saw a body which happened to be Sierra body, then out of no where I heard a snake speaking and it seemed like Taylor understood it because Taylor was talking about her and Sierra about partsletounge, the vision and that Taylor needed to find the heir to Salazar Slytherin. When taylor started walking towards the door, She saw me with my mouth open and ran into my arms crying, I took her to my living quarters so she could spend the night there with me. This is going to be a hard Christmas since this year, many muggle-born students are staying.

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