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Clarissa POV:

Yay, I'm finally at hogwarts. I can't wait to see people reaction for when they hear that I'm the dark lord daughter. I hear dumbledork announcing that we have a new student that came all the way from beaubaxtons (I forgot the spelling) When my name was called up, everyone started to whisper about me. I honestly don't care what people think of me. I'm just gonna be myself and control everyone because I have the power. When I sat on the stool, it barely touch my head before it screamed "SLYTHERIN!" I noticed some people clapping, I could say that their parents worked for the dark lord aka my father. I sat down across from my cousin, Draco and Ezra Malfoy, two twins brothers. When they greeted me, they didn't say hello cousin instead they just introduced themselves and welcomed me. I was appalled, did something happened to their memories. Well i didn't care.

30 weeks later

Draco POV:

This new girl, Clarissa riddle. She can terrify almost every single student, including the slytherins. She even scares me but for some reason, her voice sounds awfully familiar, it was almost like Taylor voice. I choose to ignore it, I've been noticing that Sierra hasn't shown up yet at all! She been missing for like what 4 or 5 months now. I've also been noticing a lot of mudbloods have been disappearing and now Taylor disappeared. A lot of strange things have been happening this year. Clarissa was talking to me for some reason but I kept dozing up until I heard she was going to the common room, apparently me and Ezra are the only people that are actually friends with her. I decided to go along with her. Once we got there, she transformed into a animgus, Taylor animagus! No one in the wizarding world have the same animgus, each one is different. Then the dog started whimpering loudly, soon the whimpering ended and Clarissa was back in her true form, then she hugged me saying "Draco, it's me, Taylor Jean Snape. And I can prove it me because I remember meeting your parents at Christmas time and that your mother and I played a prank on you guys. We hid while the boys were looking for us after mud fell of top of them" After she said all this I quickly gave her a hug, then Ezra came out with a confused face then Taylor/Clarissa went up to him and told him the whole story that she told me, then they both kissed, I looked at them with a surprised and confused face. Ezra told me that when we were all talking during Christmas, he asked Taylor to be his girlfriend and she said yes, so now they are currently going out. I was happy for the both of them. All the sudden, Taylor said she needed to tell her real father about this. She ran out of the room with the both us following behind her, once she made it into the potions classroom with me and my brother behind her, she quickly used legilimacy on professor Snape, he fell to the ground as the memories came rushing through his head. Once they were finished, Severus took Clarissa away and told us to go back to whatever we were doing.

Clarissa POV:

I basically ruled the school. I was able to terrify everyone without doing anything. Right now I was talking to Draco, him and his brothers were the only people who actually wanted to be my friend and so I accepted it, I asked Draco If he wanted to go to the Slytherin common room and he agreed. Once we arrived I transformed into my animgus because I haven't transformed in such a long time, when I did it, a bunch of memories came rushing through my mind. There was a memory Lucius and Narcissa introducing themselves after I introduced, then there was Ezra asking me to be his girlfriend and I said yes, then their was a fight that I had with a girl and that we didn't talk for 9 months, soon professor Snape showed up and he greeted us, the girl name that I had fought with was Sierra Snape and apparently the other girl name, well I didn't get to it because another memory showed up and it should Sierra and I talking, apparently my name is Taylor Snape. I guess Sierra Snape is my twin sister. Once I came out of the memory and into my human form, I gave Draco a hug and told him the whole story, he believed me then Ezra came out and I said the exact same thing to him and he kissed me. Draco had a confused face so Ezra explained to him and he was happy. I realized that I would have to tell my real father about this, so I quickly told the boy and rushed out of the common room with the boys hot on my trails and, barged into the classroom. Before the professor got to say anything I used legilimency on him and he fell to the ground with memories rushing through his head. Once the memories were done. He quickly grabbed by the arm and started to drag me somewhere. I realized he was dragging me to Dumbledore office and we barged in on professor McGonagall, flitwick, sprout,and lupin (pretend he is there in fifth year) Professor Snape told everyone what happened and I used legilimency on all of them to make them believe in my father. After they all saw, Dumbledore told them to gather their wands around and all the professor used a spell to get rid of my powerful glamour that I had on. In a few minutes I was back to my normal self, then my father kissed my head and told me to go to the common room. When I arrived, no one didn't dare to acknowledge my arrival. So I sung a song that got everyone attention (song above) soon everyone clapped and Ezra came up smiling at me, I quickly kissed him and he kissed back, we kissed on for a full 5 minute until Draco started yelling at us to break away, we broke away because we needed air so we just rested our forehead on each other. I'm glad I don't have to pretend to be a riddle now.

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