Draco lost twin brother

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Almost Christmas time

Narcissa POV:

Christmas is coming up, and I have a secret that I need to tell Draco. Draco has a twin brother name Ezra Malfoy. Draco is older than him by 10 minutes. When Draco and Ezra were born, they were best friends, always stick together. When they were both 5, I had to send Ezra away because of the dark lord. Ezra always wrote letters to us (me and Lucius), we gave him to one of our close friend, Igor Karkaroff. Both of my sons are 15 years old and both fifth years. Just like the Snape twins.  Me and my husband never told Draco about his twin, I know Draco is going to be so mad at us for not telling him. I recently got a letter saying that Ezra wants to see us because he hasn't seen us since he was 5, it's been 10 years since we last saw him, so I quickly respond to him "yes, we would love to see you again". I can't believe my son is coming, guess it time for a reunion. That also remind me, I have to get Taylor and Severus bedroom ready, sierras is already finished because she was here last Christmas, this year we invited Severus and his daughters to come stay with us for Christmas break, and they said yes. I can't wait to see Sierra and meet her twin, since I'm doing their bedroom, I should make Ezra one as well.

Ezra POV:

I can't believe my parents said yes, I could finally visit them after 10 years. They sent me away for protection. Tomorrow I'll be leaving, I'll be using floo powder to get there because I'm sick of having to stay at durmstang for Christmas for the last 10 years. Now I can't finally be with my parents.

Sierra POV:

I've been taken to the hospital wing to get healed but so far nothing happened. Everyone knows about my petrifaction. Lots of people are scared that they are going to be petrify which I really hope the don't but my wish was broken, 5 muggle-borns were already on the bed beside mine petrified.

Taylor POV:

When the Malfoys invited us, I was scared but I did not show it. My father immediately respond to their invitation by saying yes. My sister told me a lot about the Malfoys. They seem like they are great people. I guess we will have to just wait and see. Oh how I wish Sierra was here.

At the Malfoy manor

The Snape family POV (third person):

Just as soon as winter break came, Taylor and ran to her dorms packing everything she needed for the break. Which was mostly clothes. Severus went to pack a little bit later because he had work to do finish before he left. After the family finish packing, Taylor went to their father living quarters and used floo powder to get there. Taylor came out of the fireplace and saw the Malfoys. Taylor introduced herself and so did the Malfoys. They were excited to get to know Taylor. Then Severus came through, but while he came through, he slipped and fell on his butt and dust got on his black attire. Taylor laugh at her father while Lucius held out a hand and help him get up. He gave both of them a handshake before Draco came rushing down the stairs and giving Taylor a hug.  Taylor had three bags of clothes. One bag was shirts, Pants and shoes, the second bag which was smaller, had a straightener, brush, rubber bands, pins, shampoo and conditioner, and a curling iron. The third bag well was not a bag but it was a cage for their owl, Taylor Saw-Whet owl, Axel and Severus spotted owl, Ryker. Severus only had one bag which was his black clothing, he was going to use the guest shampoo for his hair. Taylor levitate their things and Draco showed Taylor her room. Meanwhile, Narcissa, Lucius, and Severus were talking. The Malfoy told Severus that they had a son that coming all the way from durmstang. Severus was shocked that the Malfoys had another child but was even more shocked when the Malfoy said that it was Draco twin that they gave away. Severus remembered when he was named godfather for both of the twins. He completely forgot that Draco had a twin, the last time he saw Draco twin was when he was 5. Just before the Malfoy gave him away, he can't remember what the twin name was but he was happy that the twin was going to visit his parents and see his godfather again. The Malfoys also asked Severus where Sierra was, that when he sighed and told the story about the writing on the wall and that his daughter was petrified. While Draco was leading Taylor to her room, she was mesmerized on how beautiful it was, Draco told her that his parents were allowing her to stay if she ever needed a place to stay, he also added that Sierra was allowed as well Taylor room still need modification because his parents were in a rush making the rooms. Taylor room was right across from sierras and Draco was across as well but on the left side from sierras.

The Malfoy family POV (third person):

Soon it was midnight and everyone was asleep except for Lucius, he was waiting for his son to show up. Soon he heard the fireplace and out came Ezra Malfoy. Lucius was shocked on how he looked and Ezra was shocked to see his father after 10 years. Lucius went to give his son a hug, he felt so happy that Ezra was part of the Malfoy family again. Soon Lucius and Ezra both yawned, they were pretty tired. After all they did have a long day. Ezra followed his father because the Malfoys made a bedroom for him and it was right across from another door on the other side of the wall, Ezra saw four doors and was curious to what might have been inside. His father stopped at one of the doors and opened it which led to a bedroom. Ezra thanked his father and put his trunk on the side of the bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Narcissa POV:

I woke up pretty early today, it was 6:00 when I woke up. I decided that I would head down and make myself some tea. 30 minutes later I heard footsteps and the kitchen door opening, I didn't see who it was until a voice said "mom?" I turned around to see a handsome looking boy, I started to tear up because it was my son, Ezra Malfoy. I slowly walked over to him and embraced him into a hug. He hugged back and when he broke apart, he wiped away my tears. He was smiling. I told him to sit down so we could talk. He sat down and we talked about a lot of things when we heard the door open at 7:10, wow me and my son talked for 3o minutes. Taylor came in and said good morning, then she looked at Ezra. She was curious to who this person was and so my son introduced him to her. She asked me if Draco knew about this and I said no. What Ezra didn't know was that he had a twin brother and he was curious to who this Draco guy was. I simply told Ezra that he would meet Draco soon. After a few minutes when Taylor came in, the rest of the family including Severus came. This is going to be hard to explain to Draco, Ezra asked me who these people are and I first introduce him to Severus, my husband already met him so, Draco was left and I introduced Draco to him. Then my husband told Draco to sit down because we had something to tell him, we'll both boys. Draco sat down and we told the story, "well here it goes, this will come to a shock for Draco and the Snape sisters, me, Severus and my husband already know this so, Ezra and Draco, you two are twins. Now before you protest, I had to send Ezra away when you were five Draco, because at the time, the dark lord wasn't alive but when he did come back, he thought I only had one child which was you Draco, so we sent you to Igor to take care of you until you wanted to come back home. Now that you are home, I can understand that you two are mad at us" by the time I finish, Ezra and Draco were both standing, then Draco walk over to Ezra and due to my surprise, he gave him a hug and Ezra gladly returned the hug saying, it nice that I have a brother and so did Draco. Well it looks like they aren't mad at us anymore. We also told them that Severus is their godfather and that his two daughters are their god-sisters.

Ezra POV:

I woke up pretty early due to my love of tea. It took me half an hour to get dress and head to the kitchen, when I made it down I saw my mother for the first time in 10 years. I called her and she turned around looking at me, when she realized who i was, she started to tear up then embrace me into a hug, when I broke away the hug I wiped her tears with my thumbs. It felt so good to be in my mother arms, I smiled at her and she told me to sit down. We talked about a lot of things. Then the door opened but it was a girl. This girl was gorgeous Then came in this man wearing all black, then my father, and last this boy that looks a lot like his father. My father told the boy to sit down and my mother started to tell us something. After she finish explaining, the boy who my mother called my twin, got up and I thought he was going to hit me but instead, he hug me and I gladly returned the hug. He whispered in my ear saying it was nice to have a brother and I said the exact same thing.

Sierra POV:

Yay. Another day at the hospital wing, it is taking forever for the healers to find a cure. I've been stuck like this for weeks! I want to feel my body move again and talk.

Taylor POV:

Good morning I thought to myself. Since it morning main as well have breakfast, I quickly brushed my hair and left it down, when I walked into the kitchen, I said good morning to Mrs.Malfoy, then I saw this boy, he was really cute! Cuter than my sister boyfriend! Then the rest of the family walks in. After they all come in Mr.Malfoy told Draco to sit down and the family explained everything to him. I was astonished by what they said to the boy, apparently that boy is Draco twin and his name is Ezra Malfoy. Cute name. After all of this, I knew that I would need to get to know Ezra. This could possible be the best Christmas ever! Since we are with the Malfoys and I'm with my family!

A/N, Thomas Brodie-sangster is Ezra Malfoy

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