The mysterious ticking noise

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(This video never fails to amuse me!! Ron voice though!! 😂😂😂)

Taylor POV:

I saw my horrible sister walking like she was so perfect with Draco but what really surprised me was that she was holding his hand, I was shocked but when they saw me I quickly turned it into a glare and they glared back right at me. Ugh I can't believe our father is allowing her to date that Draco Malfoy!?!?! Whateves! For some reason I found myself being distant with Austin for some reason. Whenever we kiss there no spark to it anymore, their no feelings. It just plain boring. So I decided to ask Austin what was going on and he started to tense up after I asked him and he said he wanted to break up for who he was, I didn't know what he meant until he was staring at a boy from Hufflepuff then I realized he was gay. I told him that from now on we should be friends and that I'll help him get that boy, I believe it is Hyde burn that he likes because the boy is also staring at Austin, when he noticed that Austin was staring at him, he quickly blushed and looked down. After I told Austin that I'll help him get Hyde, he seemed super happy!

Austin POV:

I didn't realized that I started to get so distant with Taylor, I had kept a secret that I was gay, when Taylor asked me what was wrong, I tensed up because I was afraid of how she would react if I told her. So I told her and due to my surprise she was kinda glad that I told her why I shouldn't be with her and while I was saying that,  I looked over at my crush, Hyde Burn.  Taylor looked over to see who I was looking at and she saw. When Hyde saw me staring I quickly turned away blushing and he did the same. Taylor told me that she would help me get the boy I liked.

Hyde POV:

Every single time, I see my crush with that girl, Taylor Snape! I always get jealous!! But for some reason, it looked like that Taylor and Austin had broken up because Austin was staring at me and Taylor saw. I think she is gonna help Austin by talking to him about how he feels about me.

Sierra POV:

Draco is like the best boyfriend ever!  He treats me like a gentleman and normal, whenever people saw me or Taylor, most of them would back away because we were Snape's daughter, well mostly at me not Taylor because she is more nice than me.  Today I was gonna talk to my father about something. So I was walking to his private office/lab/room and I heard him singing to some random song. He kept saying his name and I heard dumbledore name appear out of nowhere, then Professor Sprout , then Professor McGonagall , then Professor Flitwick . I looked and it appeared that someone had pulled a prank curse because earlier I heard a card saying sing sing sing!! And it wouldn't leave until he sang and it looks like he was singing with those fake people. I couldn't help but to laugh while he was singing!! It was hilarious!! Apparently my father heard me laughing because he quickly stopped singing and looked at the door and saw me laughing on the floor. Boy was he embarrassed!! I told him that the song was hilarious but then I became serious and my father was concerned on what I had to say

Snape POV:

Stupid Weasly twins!! Pulling a curse prank on me!! I had to sing a song with a Dumbledore, McGonagall, Sprout and a Flitwick. I didn't tell anyone that I was gonna do it because if I didn't do it the card that they sent me would constantly be yelling at me to sing. So then there was a random ticking noise and I decided to sing. Apparently my daughter Sierra was right near the door and I didn't notice until I heard laughter, I quickly stopped and opened the door just to see a ROFL Sierra. She kept laughing but eventually calmed down. She told me that she wanted to talk to me about something, and I could tell she was serious because of her facial expression. I started to become concerned of what was happening, and she told me that she wanted to talk about her sister. I was quite shocked because it was now January and they still hadn't forgive each other for what happened a long time ago. Just that little fight. Sierra told me that she was concerned about her and Austin because Sierra sense that something was not right between the two of them. I was kinda shocked after she said that because well, I thought she hated her sister, and yet here she is talking about Taylor.

Taylor POV:

I'm walking to my father office/room and when I got there I saw him talking with my mean sister Sierra. When I walked in I gave Sierra a glare, and she just gladly returned the glare, after that she left so I could talk to my father. I told him that I broke up with Austin, and he got really tensed but I told him it was for a good reason. He soon calmed down and I told him that Austin was gay,  apparently my dad went speechless so I decided to ask him a question. I asked him why he was allowing Sierra to be dating that Draco Malfoy. He didn't hear me so I called out his name, and finally he went back to me. He kindly asked me what I said and I asked him the question again, my father let out a huge sigh and, told me that ever since I started dating Austin he decided that Sierra should be given a chance to date as well. To be honest a quarter of me was kinda glad but the rest of me wanted to just be angry at her still. I thanked my father and left to the Gryffindor common room, nobody was in there so I decide to take a nap on the couch

6 month time skip....I'm evil!!.......

Draco POV:

I couldn't believe that we had two more weeks of school left before summer holidays. 1 week of school and 1 week of school cleaning. I was really hoping that Sierra would say yes to my question, no I'm not gonna ask her to marry me but ask her if she wanted to stay with me for summer holidays. I was looking for her all day but I couldn't find her, so I decided to look in her favorite places, the Slytherin common room and she wasn't there, library and she still wasn't there, so I decide the last place to look was the astronomy tower and when I got there, I saw her at the deck looking at the stars. I decided sneak up on her, it was past curfew so I had to be really careful not to make any sounds and get everyone in trouble, so I snuck up and put my hand around her mouth so that she wouldn't scream, she gasp but then quickly turned into a giggle, I removed my hand and she turned around to plant a kiss on my cheek, then looked back to looking at the stars. I never really looked at the stars, like I've seen them and found them quite boring but for some reason, I found them quite beautiful and peaceful, they were shimmering, I've never noticed but it was very calm just to look up and see something that you never seen before. I thought this was a good time to ask her, so I whispered in her ear and, asked her if she wanted to stay with me and my parents this summer. She smiled and said yes. The reason why I wanted to ask her was because, my mother has been sending her letters everyday and Sierra would just respond to it, then one day I got a letter from my father saying that he wanted me home for this summer and to bring Sierra along

Sierra POV:

Normally I would be hanging around with Draco but today I didn't because well I wanted to look at the stars, so I went to my favorite place to look at them, the astronomy tower. Apparently I was there all day, from sunrise to sunset because Draco told me that he was looking for me all day after he scared the life out of me. When he put his hand around my mouth I almost screamed until I saw the pale hand, then I giggle. Draco removed his hand from my mouth and I turned around to give him a kiss. Then I looked back at the stars. I've always found the stars so peaceful and relaxing, I loved the way the always shimmer through the night, it's beautiful. Then all of the sudden, Draco whispered in my ear saying if I could stay with him this summer with him and the family. I said yes because I love Draco family, Narcissa sends me a letter almost everyday and I respond to her everyday. She is just an amazing women to talk to. I can't wait for summer!

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