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Sierra and Taylor POV:

We were both rushing out of the hospital wing. It felt so good to be un-petrified, even if mine was a week or 2. Once we finally made it out of the hospital and into the grand hall, we both knew that the muggle borns would get out of the wing faster because they were first years while me and my sister were the only oldest one to be petrified. When we both made it to the grand hall, the first thing we saw was everyone celebrating the death of the basilisk, then when the heard the doors open again, everyone turned to look to see who it was and, Draco and my boyfriend came rushing to us. Ezra took me by the waist and spun me around then kissed me. Draco came rushing and he picked me up bridal style and we layer our forehead against each other before kissing. Once we finish reuniting, Draco put us down and everyone was saying welcome back, then the doors open again and out came the professors. Our father was the last one to enter, when we saw him entering, we both ran and crashed him into a hug. Well more likely pounced him into a hug because he fell when we wrapped our arms around him. It felt so good to be back in our fathers arm, i know I've been petrified for only 2 weeks but still I missed him, I think Sierra missed him more because she wasn't here for 6 months now I think. We were so happy to be un-petrified!

Couple of days later, Snape twin show their wands to their father after celebrating

Severus POV:

After celebrating for days, my daughter came up to me today saying that they need new wands, I was confused at first until they showed me their broken wands. My mouth fell open because that basilisk broke their wands. So I nodded my head and the three of us apparated to Ollivanders wands. When we arrived apparently Ollivanders mouth dropped when he saw Taylor, I guess I forgot to tell the ministry that we found my daughter. Before he was able to say anything, I told him it was a long story and that they needed new nwands because their wands broke. He nodded and went to get two boxes. Taylor took out the wand, gave it a swish and blue sparks came out. This wand has chosen her, Handle: Amethyst, Wood: Gabon Ebony, Tip: Amethyst, best used for: all subjects, length: 12 1/2 inches. Then Sierra took out the wand, gave it swish and blue sparks came out. This wand has chosen her, handle: Quartz Obelisk, Wood: Gabon Ebony , tip: Quartz, Best used for: all subjects, length: 13 1/2 inches. We thanked Ollivanders and just as we were about to leave he told us to wait, we all turned around and he told my daughters that the wands were twins and known to be the most powerful wand out of the whole wizarding world, including the elder wand because the elder wand is missing one of the core while this one has it, if the two wands were to work together, they could destroy one of the most power witches or wizard, even in a duel. They could even kill the dark lord by using one spell, any kind of spell. So my daughters would have to pick a side, and I really hope it is the good side. We thanked him then finally left, since we were out we stopped to get ice cream. I got chocolate, Taylor got cookie dough, and Sierra got tiger. Sierra and her black licorice. I don't even know how she can like it! It's awful! Even Taylor hates it! But after we had ice cream, we went back to the castle, it was lunch time and the Snapes we not hungry. When we enter the girls ran to the Ravenclaw table and they were all admiring their new wands, everyone knew about their wands being broken, and dumbledore had a look of horror on his face so I asked him what wrong, he said that your daughters are about to become the most powerful witches in the world, now I guess I should tell you how I know all these things before you even asked me how, I'm a seer and now my time is coming to retire working here. Every professor gasped. He also said, that in the future, one of your daughters, Taylor is either becoming, a famous muggle and wizard singer or becoming the headmaster here at hogwarts, you daughter Sierra is either becoming a famous singer or becoming the ministry of magic or neither for both girls. We were all shocked at his future seeing thingy. My daughters becoming headmaster or a singer or ministry of magic or something else. I'm quite excited to see what they become and who they marry, don't judge me but I sorta want grandchildren. After all they are close to graduating. After all, one more month here and they are finished fifth year. This has been one crazy year.

End of school year, last day of school.

Draco and Ezra POV:

I can't believe that it the end of the school year, oh I never did say that I was sorted in Slytherin. I can't wait to spend time with my girlfriend. Hooray it the end of the year! I can't wait to spend time with my girlfriend Sierra, we just have two more year before we graduate. Our girlfriend told us about their wands and how powerful it was, it was so powerful it could destroy the elder wand, I hope the girls would use it for the light side instead of the shallow side. If they used it for the dark side, we are in big trouble, if they used if for the good side, we are saved! After all, everyone now heard that the dark lord went into hiding and didn't die. We were all scared for life. Maybe our girlfriends are our saviors for defeating the dark lord and become famous. That would be awesome! With the wands our girlfriend have, we could be free for once in our life! Not have the dark lord controlling the wizard world and possibly the muggle world as well. I just hope that our girlfriends are our protector for when he who must not be named rise and try to take over. I hope we have a good summer with the girls!

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