Starting all over again

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New year at hogwarts

Snape POV:

Hooray, a new year at hogwarts, and I heard dumbledore has a surprise for everyone and that also includes the professors because we have no idea what dumbledore is planning.

Dumbledore POV: *rare*

My surprise was that I was gonna resort all the fifth years and sixths years. In reality I just wanted to resort Snape daughter but I thought of how much fun it would be to resort both years. No I'm just kidding I was only gonna resort the Snapes, I can't wait for their reactions when I tell the grand hall. Sierra and Taylor would be the first ones to be sorted instead of the new first years. I put their names on the list for when Minevera reads them, their names will come up first before anyone else. This would be such a huge surprise for everyone. I see everyone walking in and of course the older students are here then the younger students. Ah! Finally it time for the sorting, I give my welcoming speech as usual and now it Time for the sorting but before anyone could start, I said that I have two students here that are going to be resorted. Minevera walk up to the sorting hat and pulled out the list of names. Oh I'm so excited for this!

Sierra POV:

Hooray! Another year and that means I could be with my sister now since we forgave each other. To be honest, I'm actually quite curious to who is getting resorted. I saw my professor walk up to the sorting hat as usual and go through the list of names, she was about to say the first name but was stunned, she looked over at dumbledore and he just gave her a reassuring smile, she turned back and said "Snape, Sierra" when I heard my name, I instantly snapped my head to look at her and I yelled "IM GETTING RESORTED!!!!! WHY?!?!?!" I turned over to dumbledore and he just smiled! I sometimes really hate that man but since I'm getting resorted, I have no choice but to go up there and get resorted, I quickly looked over at my sister and she was appalled to what happened, so I walked over to the stool, sat in it and the hat said "hmm, I'm resorting a Snape, never happened but I know you are loyal and kind to some people, you would make a great Hufflepuff but you are also daring and brave, you could make an excellent Gryffindor, you are also clever and wise, your creativity allows you to look outside of the box, a fantastic Ravenclaw but you are still cunning and ambitious and always a leader of the pack, I could still place you in Slytherin but I think the best house for you is.......RAVENCLAW!!!!" I was shocked at the sorting hat word, I looked over at my dad and it looked like that any minute he would fainted. I quickly walked over to the Ravenclaw table and sat down not wanting to be there, I looked over to the Gryffindor table and saw my sister giving me a reassuring smile, I gave a little smile back and turned over to the Slytherin table to see my boyfriend, Draco also gave me a smile and I gave a shy smile back, then I looked over at the professor again and she seemed to be stunned on another name, she did the same thing, looked over at the headmaster and then said the name. I was shocked at what name she said, she said my sisters name!

Taylor POV:

I was so excited for another year here at hogwarts, me and my sister were both talking on our way to the great hall to see where the first year students would be. Dumbledore said his usual speech and while he was doing that he said two students would be getting resorted, I was very curious, who would be getting resorted. I waited patiently as professor McMonagall turned her head towards the headmaster before she read the name. I was stunned when she said my sister name, after she said it my sister started to yell, a classic Snape thing to do, she had no choice but to go up there and get resorted, as she went the hat was talking to her but we couldn't hear anything that the hat was saying to her until it yelled Ravenclaw. I was astonished, my sister in Ravenclaw!! That was very unlikely, I was excepting her to still be in Slytherin but she wasn't, she quickly walked to her new house not wanting to be there, I was giving her a reassuring smile when she looked over at the Gryffindor table, then she looked over to Slytherin and looked at her boyfriend, Draco was giving her a smile. I was actually quite scared that Draco might have to break up with Sierra for being in Ravenclaw but he didn't. Then it was time for the other person and still the professor was shocked at the next name, I had a feeling that it was going to be me but I knew it wasn't until she said my name. My father stood up and looked at the headmaster with disbelief in his eyes but the headmaster just smiled, my father continue standing up. I was just frozen, I couldn't move until one of the Gryffindors had to push me off the bench so I could move, I fell but no one laughed because they were all shocked that Snape daughter was being resorted. I walked up to the stool and my professor place the hat on me, it said "again, another Snape, I guess I could still put you in Gryffindor but, I won't, I do know you are daring and brave but it just doesn't seem right, I can see that your father was in Slytherin but I know in your heart, you are not the Slytherin type, you would make a wonderful Hufflepuff, you are a flock to people because you have loyalty and kindness, many people love you for being you, you also have a mind of a Ravenclaw, I could put you in with your sister that I just resorted but you are a Ravenclaw type so I guess the only other best house for you is......RAVENCLAW!!!" The hat screamed at my new house and my father just fainted after the hat said it, many of the professors went over to wake up my dad but he wasn't waking up, so madam pomphery decided to take him to the hospital wing, she just wingardium leviosa him and left. I went over to the Ravenclaw table and they all stared at me. I was quite nervous considering the fact that I was in Gryffindor for 4 years and now I'm in Ravenclaw, I sat my sister and she gave me a smile, I was glad to returned the smile and then she mouthed to me, to meet her tomorrow at the astronomy tower after breakfast, I gave her a nod saying yes. After that new resorting, it was time for the first years. Me and my sister didn't clap because we were resorted and we both didn't want to be here. Soon enough it was over and everyone ate. I just had a little bit of food and so did Sierra, I guess we are both still shocked on how we were in our new houses. Then it was time to leave for our dorms. The Ravenclaw prefect lead us to the highest tower, their was no password, all you had to do what touch the bronze knocker in the shape of a eagle and it will ask you a riddle. I was shocked, in Gryffindor all we had to say was the Password and, boom we were in. I hope I have a good year here in my new house, Ravenclaw along with my sister!

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