Christmas kidnappers

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Christmas time!

Sierra POV:

Yay it Christmas! And I'm still petrified. I hope my family got me gifts for when I'm better.

Taylor POV:

I was in a nice sleep until someone started whacking me with pillows, I woke up and saw who it was. Mrs.Malfoy, I was about to yell until she said she wanted to do a prank. I joined in and she told me about the prank my sister and her did last year, we decided to do the same thing but only with mud instead of water, and that we would hide in different areas. We all went somewhere, I went to hide in the attic. When the men's came out, they all screamed and called our names. After a few minutes I heard mrs.Malfoy scream, I guess someone found her. A few minutes later someone came and put a bag over my head, I screamed hoping that someone would hear me and soon the kidnapper apparated us away. The kidnapper put ropes around me and took of the bag, I was sitting in a chair with tape around my mouth and a rope tied to me.

Severus POV:

I woke up, took a shower, went out, mud fell on top of me, apparently all the guys were out at the same time so Lucius called out Narcissa, Ezra called out Taylor, and I called out the two girls. We all used a spell to get rid of the mud and went downstairs and found a note saying that some muggles found out about the wizarding world, hid all the girls in the house tied up to a chair. Lucius was reading out loud and we heard a giggle, Lucius went to the cupboard and saw Narcissa, Narcissa let out a shrilling scream and then laugh. That was quick, I guess Taylor was hiding. The four of us went to look but could not find them. We have been looking for 8 hours just to finally realized that she was actually kidnapped but not by muggles, but something else. We went to report Taylor and the ministry said that they will send out aurors to find them.  Tomorrow the boys and my daughter would have to leave the manor to go to hogwarts but with them missing, I'm going to be mad at everyone if they say that they are sorry that I'm missing my daughter because I will not want to talk about it.

A week and a half at hogwarts

Draco and Ezra POV:

Ever since my girlfriend Sierra was petrified, I couldn't focus in any of my classes and professor Snape wasn't really teaching or giving us homework, everyone knew that with his daughter Taylor was missing, how could he focus. When Taylor went missing, I already started to miss her, even though we just started dating, I have the right to be worry. It seem like my brother is worried about his girlfriend as well. I haven't been sorted yet because our parents said that we should wait for a week so everyone could warm up to me. I have a feeling that I'm going to be in Slytherin like my brother. In the meantime professor Snape look depressed, who can blame him though, his daughters are missing. I just hope that the aurors find them.

A/N Sorry if it is extremely short, I kinda ran out of ideas for this chapter

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