🍃 Chapter 28🍃

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Sunghoon lay on my lap, his face serene in sleep, the gentle rise and fall of his chest a small comfort in the darkness. I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling the warmth radiate from him. It was a bittersweet moment, caught between fear and the solace of being together.

The flickering lantern cast soft shadows around the room, and as the night deepened, the rest of our group began to stir. I could hear quiet conversations mixed with the occasional rustle of fabric.

"How's he doing?" Sunoo's voice broke through the stillness, filled with concern as he glanced over at us.

I sighed, looking down at Sunghoon's peaceful expression. "He's still out. He was so exhausted... I just hope he wakes up soon."

Niki, sitting close to Sunoo, leaned in. "He's strong, Jake. He'll pull through. Just give him time."

Heeseung hyung and Eunhee were huddled together a few feet away, sharing whispered words. Eunhee looked over at us, her brow furrowed with worry. "Do you need anything? Water? More blankets?"

I shook my head. "Just being here is enough. Thank you, though."

Jungwon, who had been resting his head on Jay's shoulder, stirred at the mention of Sunghoon. "He really fought hard back there," he said, his voice serious. "We owe him everything."

Jay nodded, tightening his hold on Jungwon. "We'll make sure he knows how much we appreciate him. We'll take care of him."

As I continued to stroke Sunghoon's hair, I felt a mixture of gratitude and fear. "I just wish I could do more," I admitted quietly. "I hate feeling so helpless."

"You're doing exactly what he needs right now," Sunoo replied, his voice soothing. "Just being here with him makes a difference."

Niki nodded in agreement. "And when he wakes up, he'll know he's not alone. That's what keeps us going, right? Each other."

"Yeah," I said softly, feeling the weight of their words. "I just want him to be okay."

Sunghoon stirred slightly, and I held my breath, hoping he would wake. After a moment, he opened his eyes slowly, blinking up at me. "Jake?" he murmured, still half asleep.

"I'm here," I said, relief flooding through me. "You're safe."

He managed a small smile, but it quickly faded as he remembered what happened. "Did... did we get away?"

"Yes, we did," I reassured him. "We're in a safe place now."

Sunghoon let out a soft sigh, his eyes drifting closed again. "Good," he whispered, sinking back into my lap.

"See? He just needs a little more time," Sunoo said, glancing back at the others.

Jungwon leaned closer to Jay, his expression softening. "We'll keep watch. No one will get to him again."

As the lantern flickered, casting a warm glow over us, I felt a sense of camaraderie enveloping our group. Despite the darkness outside, we were together, and that made all the difference.

I continued to run my fingers through Sunghoon's hair, feeling the tension ease from his body as he relaxed further. In that moment, I understood that no matter how difficult the path ahead would be, we would face it together, each of us a light for the others in this overwhelming darkness.

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