Another Battle and Jealousy Part 1

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*Back To The Present*

We were still at my house. I took out my cube-like invention with my suit inside. I threw it on the ground and less then seconds, I was covered in black and white armor from head to toe except for my helmet.

"What are we waiting for?" I asked as I put on my helmet.

"Good luck." Justin said. "And please be careful."

"Always." I said and flew off to the hospital.

*TimeSkip to the hospital*

I made it to the hospital just in time. The crimimals were already breaking inside. I landed outside the hospital and rushed in.

There was smoke everywhere, good thing I can see through with my helmet. I started on the first floor, I helped everyone out and stopped a fire in one of the rooms.

I had almost everyone out of the hospital except for the top floor. Weird thing is, they haven't started bombing yet.


I spoke too soon. I flinched when I heard the boom. I ran upstairs as fast as I could.

When I made it to the top I immediately started helping people and children out of the building.


I was running out of time to help the others.


Another went off next to me and I was thrown across the room. This was not the time to worry how bad I was hurt. I had to help the others out of the others out of here before another bomb explodes, or even worse, goes off in one of their rooms.

I quickly got on my feet and rushed inside another room. There, I helped an elderly lady out. I carried her bridal style and flew out her window and gently put her down. Then, I flew back inside to help the rest of the patients.

I managed to help escape a couple dozen more and luckily, none of them were hurt.


I was currently helping two children out and was nearly outside before, another bomb goes off and throws me and the kids across the room. I managed to cover the kids before the could get hurt. I quickly got up and tried to fly outside but my vision was a bit blurry.

I finally got outside and put the kids down before I collapsed. I used up all my strength and went back in. By then, there was a lot of people outside and police officers guarding the doors and trying to extinguish the soon be huge flames.

When I got made it back in, I called out to anyone that might still be in there. A soft "help." Was heard a couple of rooms away. But there was also another cry for help was heard in a separate room.

I ran inside one of them, and soon enough, there were the two criminals responsible for all this. They had long black coats and masks. Geez, what is it with criminals an coats and masks?

Anyway, one of them was holding a little girl by the neck with his arm and in the other was a gun.

"Put her down!" I yelled.

"Or what?" He hissed.

"Or this." I said as I used my nature powers and trapped him in large vines. He tried to untangle himself but as he did he let go of the girl.

I grabbed her and carried her into the other room. In there, there was a young boy, about 9 or 8 years old, who was coughing uncontrollably.

I rushed to him, and as I did, I saw two other criminals walking up on him with guns.

"Oh no you don't!" I yelled as I exposed my head and breathed out flames. It hit their hands with the guns and they immediately dropped them. My mouth was still shooting flames as I walked closer to them, they kept backing away, but I kept walking closer until they hit the wall. That's when I trapped them in one of my bubbles and gave the boy a piggy back ride. I rushed outside when suddenly,


The last bomb exploded and the building caught on fire and the it started to collapse ontop of us.

I started to run faster until I reached the room where the girl was. The guy was still tangled in the vines and was struggling to get out. I trapped him in a bubble and took all three of the villains outside, still trapped in the bubbles.

I ran out just in time before the whole building bursted into flames.

I walked over to the cops and handed them the criminals. They cuffed them and put them in the back of the police cars.

I put the children down and they both thanked and gave me a hug.

"You're welcome. Now if you'll excuse me." I said as I flew into the sky and stopped when I was in front of both the hospital and the ocean near the golden gate bridge.

I used my water powers and collected gallons and gallons of water from the ocean and used it to extinguish the burning building.

Everyone applauded and cheered. I landed and heard a someone clear their voice. I turned around and saw none other than the Big Hero 6. That's when everyone fell silent and continued on.

"Oh, hello Big Hero 6." I said in my sassy tone.

"Uh, Hi." The purple one, who I assumed was Hiro, said in an angry tone.

"Looks like you're too little too late." I said.

"How did you- when did you- arrggh! Never mind!" He yelled out. "Who are you anyways?! You can't just steal our job like that!" He hissed.

"Actually, I just did." I said and crossed my arms.

He scowled at me which broke my heart. "We'll see about that!" He said as he and the gang started to walk away.

"Wait! Can I talk to your group for a sec." I asked as all of them walked towards me, including Hiro.

"Just them, not you." I stopped him. "Why am I not surprised." Hiro scowled. The gang walked up to me. "Hey guys, I'm sorry about all this. Is he always like this?" I asked them.

"It's okay. And no, not always." Honey Lemon replied kindly.

"Yeah, I don't know what's up with him." Wasabi added.

"Well, I didn't mean to steal your job. I'm sorry." I apologized.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." Gogo said.

"Yeah, he'll get over this eventually, right? He can't hold a grudge forever, right? Well, that is, if he knew it was you." Fred said.

"Yeah, that's true. But I just don't him to hate me and ruin our friendship." I said sadly.

"Hey, don't worry about it. He will never be mad at you. He loves you, just like the rest of us. Even, Tadashi." Wasabi said.

That's right, they're friends with Tadashi. Would it be a bad idea to ask them if Hiro and Tadashi were somehow related? Maybe, I'll just found out myself.

"Yeah, he's just mad at this Tsuki girl, not you. Well, technically it is you. . . so he's also technically mad at you  and hates your guts. . ." Fred said earning him a punch from Gogo.

"Not helping." She scolded him.

"Sorry." He said.

"Maybe you guys are right. Maybe he's just upset about the way I stole his job and how I've treated him."

"Yeah, probably."

"But what else can I do! I can't act like my normal self and risk him finding out its me! If he finds out, all of you are in grave danger! And I can't risk that, and I won't!" I said as I took off.

"I'm sorry."

Love Triangle (Hiro+reader+Tadashi) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now