The comeback battle

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A/n: lord this gave me the feels....ow! feels. I think I just dropped my feels. Enjoy this extra long chapterrrrr

Hiro's pov

The gang and I are in downtown SanFransokyo and are hiding on top of buildings keeping a close eye on the streets.

"Oh lord. What if we already missed them? They could've already done who knows what and left!" I whisper shouted. I was worrying so bad.

"Don't worry, Hiro. If we already missed them, don't you think the cops would've been here by now?" Wasabi tried to calm me down.

"Yeah, and anyways, that's not the only thing you should be worried about." Fred said and when he realized what he said he freaked. "Uh, I mean, not that there is anything else to worry about. Nooo. Everything's fine. Hehe." He started laughing nervously, to which, Go Go punched him.

"Wh-whats going on? What should I be worried about?" I asked them. Nothing. "Guyys. Whats going on?"

"N-nothing! Whats wrong with you? You're acting kind of weird? Is this another puberty thing? Having pubecent mood swings? I don't know anything! I didn't hear anything! And I know nothing of anything! Gotta go bye!" Wasabi started talking WAY too fast.

"Geez, Wasabi calm down." I was confused.

"Guys! Look!" Honey lemon warned.

I turned around and saw a couple of guys who were sneaking into yet ANOTHER hospital. But this time, an animal hospital.

"Baymax. Scan them." I had Baymax scan them to see if they were the same people from the event from last week.

"Scan complete. The match is confirmed."

"Good job buddy. Okay, Honey lemon, once we go in, you will wait outside the door when and if they try to escape and youll trap them. Go Go will take the third floor, wasabi take second and I'll take third with Fred. Baymax, you'll go with Go Go, seeing as the criminals started on the third floor. Wasabi, Fred and I will try to take all the animals on the second and first floor out first. Everyone got it?"

"Yep." They all said.

"Yeah. But just in case, say that whole thing again, I wasn't listening." Fred said.

Y/n's pov

Justin had told me the situation going on downtown. How in the hell did those guys get out?! Ugh now I have to do the same thing over again. Its like 'I just saved this place! Cant it stay saved for..10 minutes?!'

Anyway, since I have powers and I don't really need any weapons, I'm fine. But Justin decided to gave me and upgrade or whatever. He upgrated my helmet so I can see what the criminals are up too. Like security cameras basically. It was pretty sick.

I arrived at the scene just before they went inside when I heard some whispering.

"What the hell...?" I whispered to myself. I looked around and saw a bunch of figures standing on top of the roof of a building.

"Huh. Hiro showed up. This is gonna be sooo much fun." Note the sarcasm. "I just love arguing with him." Again, sarcasm.

I decided to end this feud. So I decided to help instead of taking over.

I flew in when they went inside. "Hey, Honey."

She gasped. "Y/n! Its so nice to see you! Wait, no it's not! What are you doing here?! Hiros gonna flip if he sees you here!" She whisper shouted.

"I know, but I'm here to help him instead of taking over." I explained. Though, I still wasn't sure if I should take this risk.

"Aww, but I'm not sure how he'll take it."

Love Triangle (Hiro+reader+Tadashi) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now