The battle and the heroes

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I kept jumping from roof to roof, until I reached an empty alleyway. I jumped off and hid behind a garbage can. When I knew the cost was clear I looked at my watch that I had on and pressed a purple button that was on the side, and a holographic video screen appeared in front of my face. On the other side was my best friend Justin Jake Ashton.

"What's the emergency Justin?"

"I'm receiving some Intel that two men are going to rob a jewelery shop clean in less than half an hour, so you should get going. Its the jewelry shop downtown, so suit up!"

"I'm on it! Thanks Justin!"

"No prob y/n."

I stood up from behind the garbage can, and grabbed my cube like box, containing my armor. I threw it on the ground, and next thing I knew, I was covered with black and white armor from head to toe. You're probably wondering why I have it on, well I'm a superhero. I protect the great citizens of San Fransokyo day and night, with the help of Justin of course! Couple of other things...well I have these unusual powers that I somehow got. One: Flying. I can fly as high as I can.
Two: I have the ability to control bodies of water (like Percy Jackson).
Three: I can control nature.
Four: When I get sad, you can see little snowflakes in my eyes, which means that everything that I touch is covered in frost. But if I'm REALLY, REALLY depressed, everything I touch turns into solid ice and if that object touches something else. . .well that continues until everything is turned into ice.
Five: I can trap villains inside this bubble that is indestructible (if anyone watches Steven universe you would know what I mean).
And Six: When I am mad I tend to start hiccuping and when I do I breathe out fire flames and you can see the flames in my eyes. But if my emotions are mixed, like if I'm mad and sad you can see both snowflakes and flames in my eyes.
I have never told anyone this secret except for Justin. He has been my friend for as long as I can remember.

Anyways, I arrived at the scene and I can see two people in long black coats and masks. They throw a brick at the display window of the shop and it smashes into a million pieces.

They walked inside and quickly take everything and stuff it all into their big sacs that they brought.

I hopped off of the roof I was sitting on and quietly and carefully walked behind the two criminals, using the element of surprise.

"Hey! Step away from the jewels!" I said confidently.

"Oh no! Its a little girl, let's get out of here!" One of the men said sarcastically. He laughed a wicked laugh and said ,"what are you going to do if we don't, beautiful?"

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. "Don't call me that!" I felt my anger build up and I started to hiccup, then flames came out making the men stop laughing.

Hiro's POV (finally!)

I was in my room, trying to figure out what part of Baymax's armor to upgrade. I was also trying to think what I should add to my suit, since mind's doesn't do anything but attaches to Baymax's suit. I was completely useless, except for my brains and amazingly great hair! My thoughts were soon cut off when I heard the café door open and close shut. I then heard footsteps coming towards my room. The gang rushed into my room, panting.

"Hey guys!"

"We need to suit up, now!!" Gogo said.

"Why?" I asked worriedly.

"Because the jewelery shop downtown is being robbed!" Honey Lemon said.

"Alright, suit up! And I'll get Baymax!" I said. They all nodded and rushed to get their suits. I activated Baymax. "Ow," I said and Baymax inflated.

"Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need of medical attention when you said 'ow'. What seems to be the trouble?"

"Come on, we need to suit up." I grabbed Baymax and rushed into the garage. I helped put on Baymax's armor.

The gang arrived shortly after and we climbed onto Baymax.

"Baymax, thrusters! Wings!" I yelled as he turned on his thrusters and his wings popped out. "Now, fly!"

We flew high into the night sky and arrived at the jewelery shop in an instant. We hopped off and I saw shattered pieces of glass on the ground. We ran in and saw someone in there, trapping the criminals in a . . . . . bubble?

From the body features I can tell that it was a girl. She had on a white and black armor, with a helmet similar to mine. Her armor looked more advanced than ours. She turned around and saw us watching her. She looked at us for a couple of seconds and walked behind us and gave the criminals to the cops and their sacs of jewelery.

Your POV

I finally captured the criminals in one of my bubbles. I herd a bit of shuffling behind me. I turned around and saw a group of six people in armor standing there, shocked, and were awestruck. They sort of looked familiar but shook off the thought. I walked behind them to where the cops were waiting. I handed them the crooks and the sacs of jewels.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and I was faced to faced with one of the group members from before. He was wearing a red and indigo armor. I kept calm and crossed my arms. And in unison we said, "who are you?"

Love Triangle (Hiro+reader+Tadashi) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now