The Gang

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As Tadashi and I walked through the crowds, of bustling with families, friends, and couples. I sometimes caught Tadashi stealing glances and turns away quickly when I caught him. "Tadashi!!!!" I heard someone say. Tadashi turned to face a couple of guys who were waving at us," hey guys!" Tadashi said. I assumed that these were his friends," guys I would like you to meet y/n. Y/n I'd like you to meet Honey Lemon-","Hai!! Its sooooo nice to meet you. Oh my good your soooo cute!! "," um thanks" I looked at her shoes "oh my god! I love your shoes!!!!! I have the same pair in black", " no way!! I've been looking everywhere for a black pair"," well then, I'm going to have to take you shopping with me sometime". She squealed and I moved to the next person " Gogo-" Tadashi continued. "Sup" I said, I guessed that she is wayyyyy more tomboyish and loves danger, "sup, so what do love to do for fun?" She asked firmly, " well, I love to snowboard, skate board, car races, ice skating and other cool stuff, you know something dangerous or creative ". I think I surprised her, her eyes widened as she popped her gum,"really? Me too, most of theses people hate anything 'dangerous' but they just don't know how to have fun","right! People are soooooooo shocked when they see my moves. Maybe we can go snowboarding sometime "," cool". I moved on to the next person. Tadashi introduced me to Wasabi "hello Wasabi "," hello y/n, so your the one Tadashi's been talking about", " n-no I have not! Don't listen to him, Wasabi!" Tadashi said angrily and aannoyed ,while scratching the back of his head, "so y/n let me ask you something" Wasabi continued, "would you call yourself organized, tidy, and neat?"," of course but I'm more of a neat freak when I want to, I hate it when something's out of place it just bothers me"," wow me too! I think this might work out". After, Tadashi motioned me to the next person " y/n, this is Fred, he's the one who comes up with the nicknames"," what up Fredster!!","Yo!! I'm the one who comes up with the nicknames here, but I love it!! Your real awesome y/n ,we have to give you a nickname! We have to hang out sometime!"," of course!! I'd love to!". After I met the gang I realized that I have a lot in common with all of them, which means that I won't have any trouble fitting in. HURRAY!!!!!

~Tadashi's POV~

Wow! Y/n really got along with everyone amazingly! Especially Fred. Man I hope HE doesn't fall for her either, again not saying I love her." So y/n that's the whole gang, I am so glad you finally met them"," well WE are so glad you introduced her to us!!!!!", Honey said for everyone and the nodded happily. "Awwwwwwww I loved meeting you guys too!! All of you guys are really amazing in your own special way!" Y/n said. Man, she was cute when she was happy. But then again, when is she not? Everyone gathered around y/n and gave her a big hug. It was a tight hug and it seemed like it when on forever."So where do guys want to go first?","oo oo can we go to the-"

A/n 'author's note' ( oooooh a cliffhanger!! Brace yourselves its about to get real up in here!! Comment, follow, or add to favorites for me to continue!!

Love Triangle (Hiro+reader+Tadashi) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now