The Truth

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Y/n's POV

"How do you know him?" Honey Lemon asked me.

"Well. . . I met him on the same day I met Tadashi. He came in running the café and spilled coffee all over me. And we talked a bit yesterday while I was meeting up with Tadashi. So, yeah. Awkward meeting." I replied.

"Well, can you please not tell him we told you this?" She asked with pleading eyes.

"Sure." I said sweetly.

"Thank you."

"No, thank you, because you guys actually trust me enough to tell me your biggest secret even though Hiro might not approve of it. I love you guys!" I said.

"Awww, we love you too!" They said and gave me a group hug.

When we let go, I gathered all the courage to tell them my secret. I took a deep breath and said, " um, guys? Since you guys trust me to keep your secret I know I can trust you to keep my secret."

"Y/n, of course you can trust us. Now, spill." GoGo said.

"OK. Well. . . d-do you guys remember that girl from last night that captured the criminals that robbed the jewelery shop downtown?" I asked.

"Yeah, wait! How do you-"

"Well, that's me. I am the superhero from last night. They call me Tsuki." I confessed.

They all just stared at me and started laughing. "You? That superhero from last night? Please, you are too cute and nice to be that rotten and annoying brat." Wasabi said.

"I can prove it!" I stomped my feet, getting annoyed. I
Could feel my anger building up inside. "Follow me." I gestured them to follow me.
We walked to my house and I made sure Tadashi was no where in sight.

"Um, what are you doing?" Gogo asked.

"Well, I live near Tadashi and I don't want him to know where I live. Yet."

"Why not?" Wasabi asked.

"You'll see." They followed me around the corner of the Lucky Cat Café. I stopped in front of my HUGE mansion.

"Woah! This is where you live?" Wasabi asked.


"Wow, its even bigger than Fred's!" Gogo commented.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! How come you were surprised when you found out that I was rich, but you weren't as shocked when you found put that y/n lives here?" Fred asked Gogo.

"Well, I mean compare you, to y/n, I honestly would have expected this from her."

"Um, come on in." I said.

Tadashi's POV

Wow! I still can't believe how great last night was.

I was laying on my bed l, staring at the ceiling thinking about y/n.

I have very mixed feelings about I feel about her. Do I like her? It really bothered me about not knowing I felt towards her.

Last night was one of the best nights of my life. Y/n really hit it off with the gang. They love her!

I still don't know how long I'm going to keep the fact that I have a brother that's her age. I just don't know what will happen.

I tried thinking of something else other than y/n. "Ow" I faked.

Baymax inflated and walked over to me. "Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. What seems to be the trouble?" He asked.

"Hey buddy. I just need you to scan me." I asked. I thought about y/n while he scanned me to see how I feel about her.

"Scan complete. It seems that you are experiencing a strong affection towards another human being. Her name is y/n." Baymax said.

"Thanks buddy, I am satisfied with my care." I said as Baymax waddled towards his charging station and deflated.

So its true. I do love y/n. Now, all I need to do is gather up all the courage to tell her how I feel. I just hope she feels the same way.

Hiro's POV

I didn't sleep at all. I rarely eat. I had to find out who she was. I don't care how long it takes, I don't care how dangerous it is, I have to find her.

I was a wreck. The gang had tried to force me to stop obsessing over this, but I refused.

I was in the garage. On that night that we met, I had Baymax scan her, but he failed because he couldn't scan through her armor. I gave up. How was I supposed to find her if Baymax can't scan her?

But, I know one thing, she won't take our place as superheroes.


As we walked in, I was still really nervous about telling them my secret.

"Woah! Y/n, your house is amazing!" Honey Lemon.


We walked up the stairs to my room, it was a large room with a canopy bed in the upper left corner of the room. I had this beautiful and big balcony in between the bed and dresser. I had a large flat screen that hung in the upper right corner. I had a walk-in closet next to the TV, a dresser with a trifold mirror, a desk with an advanced computer with computer screens on three sides. I also had a glass table and two couches next to my bed.

"Wow! I would so love a room like this." Wasabi said.

"No kidding." Gogo said.

They all sat down on the couches and I sat on my bed. I took a deep breath and told them everything. They were shocked at when I showed them my powers. Fred on the other hand, was amazed.

I took out my little cube that contained my suit. I hit it on the ground and in no more than 3seconds, I was back in my armor.

"So, you really are the super hero from last night." Honey Lemon said.

"Sorry I called you a brat." Gogo apologized.

"Its OK. I can see how you didn't believe me. And I'm sorry about how I acted that night." I said with my head hung down.

"Y/n, its OK. We forgive you." They said in unison.

"But. . . . . . there is one more thing. I- well, the reason I had to act that way towards you was because. . . . of my owner."

"What do you mean, owner?" They asked.

"I don't have any freedom. I am owned by this criminal named Orochi. He won't let me go. I made a deal with him. The deal was that, he would spare my life if I did anything he says. So, I didn't tell him that I met you guys that night, if I did, he would kill you guys. I don't really know why, but, I have to act like that to protect you. If I acted like myself, you would know who I really was and would try to find me, so I acted all tough and like a brat in front of you guys. Im so sorry, but if was for your safety even if I didn't really know it was you the whole time."

"Its OK. We love you no matter what." Gogo said and gave me a hug soon, everyone joined the hug.

When we let go, Fred was really happy. "But how cool are those superpowers!? I mean, its dangerous of course, but how cool!!!?" And we bursted into laughter.

A/n: Hope you guys enjoyed this extra long chapter! Baii~

Love Triangle (Hiro+reader+Tadashi) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now