Call me stereo-typical...

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 Chapter 8- Call me stereo-typical...

“Ashley what are you doing here?” I stared at him, but his glare wasn’t on me…hell to the no. It was on Brad, if looks could kill, I’d be at Brad’s funeral.

“I work here” Ashley said bluntly, still not taking his eyes away from Brad.

“Awesome, I love Jenis! When did you begin to work here?” Honestly Ashley didn’t strike me as someone who worked, let alone at a cute little ice-cream parlour, more like someone who would work in a garage fixing up cars, but hey! Call me stereo-typical…

“Don’t try and divert the conversation, who the hell is this guy?” Brad moved a little, uncomfortable by Ashley’s stare. How did Ashley not remember Brad? I mean he went to school with him for years, but I suppose Brad was a dork, and the populars never do take notice of the nerds.

“This is Brad, Brad this is Ashley!” I gestured between the both of them, Brad stuck his hand out, Ashley hesitated, before firmly shaking Brads hand.

“How do you guys know each other?” Brad asked, as Ashley pulled a stool over, could this be anymore awkward?

“We go to school together” Ashley snapped.

“He’s a jerk!” I whispered to Brad, who in return snickered.

“What did you say?” Ashley eyed me suspiciously.

“She said how you were captain of the football team” Brad smiled warmly, I nodded my head vigorously. How did Brad know that? Oh wait, Brad must of remembered Ashley. I mean he’s not someone you could forget…easily.

“And how is that funny?” Ashley raised his eyebrow, glaring at Brad.

“It’s just you don’t see many football captains working in Jenis!” Brad laughed, I giggled, I hadn’t been Jenis in years, if someone had told me that Ashley worked there, I wouldn’t believe, not even if they bet me a hundred dollars.

“Money is money” Ashley slouched over, annoyed.

“There’s nothing wrong with Jenis, me and Brad love it here!” I continued to eat my frozen yogurt, wow, how come I hadn’t come back here. Jenis was to die for, literally.

“Yeah, my aunts the manager!” Brad explained.

“Wait! You’re Brad Harper from 7th grade, the really dorky kid, who knew the periodic table off by heart?” Ashley laughed.

“Yeah, and I still do” Brad winked at me playfully.

“Are you two dating?” Ashley stared at Brad impatiently; waiting for an answer. We burst out laughing, tears even streamed down my cheeks.

“No! We’re best friends!” I giggled, Ashley smiled in relief. Wait, did I just say in relief?

“So, are you back for good then Brad?” Ashleys attention turned to Brad, Brad nodded.

“Haven’t you got the big game to prepare for Ashley?” I hinted, he’d intruded on my day, with my best-friend. Who, for the record had just returned home. We were going to have a day reminiscing old times, but oh no. Ashley bloomin’ Jackson comes to ruin it, but I suppose nothings simple when Ashley’s around.

“Shouldn’t you be preparing to cheer me on?” Ashley challenged, his eyes shone, knowing he’d caught me out.

“In your dreams!” I scoffed.

“Do we really want to discuss my dreams?” Ashley collapsed into laughter, even Brad began to laugh.

“You disgust me” I spat at Ashley, not daring to look him in the eye.

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