Ashley Jackson blushed?!

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Chapter 4- Ashley Jackson blushed?!

The annoying sound of the alarm clock rang, I ran to Jas’ door, banging the door with my hand, after a while she opened the door, still sleepy-eyed.

“What?” She looked at me like I was mad, it was hard not to laugh at her bed hair but I managed it.


“That wasn’t me…that was the doorbell” She slammed the door in my face, who the hell was at my door at this time?!? I could see a silhouette of a person at the door, I was ready to punch anyone that was waking me up this early in the morning.

I opened the door to see Ashley his cocky self, leaning against my door frame; I raised my eyebrow which made his smirk grow more.

“Want a ride doll face?” Ashley grinned at me, I responded with slamming the door in his face, but his stupid reflexes caught the door before it shut.

“I had a feeling you’d do that” He said looking admiringly around my house.

“I’m not ready” I said bluntly.

“You still look perfect to me” He pulled my pyjama top closer to him, so we had little space between us.

“And you’re as ugly as always” I pushed him so he stumbled back; I shot him an innocent smile. Of which he frowned upon.

“I’m not ugly” Ashley’s frown began to crease his forehead.

“Keep telling yourself that” I laughed, I winked at him, running up to change.

Once I was ready I walked down the stairs to see Ashley still here?! Flirting with Jas?! Wait a minute… did she want me to break his heart so he’d come crawling back to her? Like that’s a hope in hell.

“Ready beautiful?” Ashley grinned, my sister’s jealousy wasn’t well hidden, I smiled innocently, encouraging Jas to mumble something under her breath.

“I suppose” I hung my bag over my shoulder, making my way for the door.

“Do you mind if I catch a ride…you see my trucks broken down?” Jas lied, batting her eyelashes, her truck was perfectly fine.

“I would but I need to talk to Lauren about something…sorry” Ashley said awkwardly, shooting me a glance.

Jas’ mood dwelled, she just nodded in response. As much as I wanted her to get taught this lesson, not to flirt with Ashley, I couldn’t. I’m her twin. Like I said I pick up on her feelings; and these ones weren’t too good.

 “No! Whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of my twin. Now let’s just go” They both shot me bewildered glances; which I just wiped away, heading for Ashley’s car. The whole journey Jas didn’t breathe a word, but neither did Ashley. What was he so desperate to tell me?

“What did you want to say Ashley?” I stared out the window, watching everybody walking to school.

“Uh- doesn’t matter” He looked at Jas awkwardly, in the rear view mirror.

“Is Ashley Jackson shy?” I faked a shocked expression, he laughed nervously.

“Shut up Lo!” Ashley blushed, wait let me repeat that…ASHLEY JACKSON BLUSHED!?

“Lo, really?” I quirked my eyebrow. Jas coughed loudly; showing her embarrassment.

“What’s wrong with it…it’s pretty” Again Ashley blushed; I don’t think this kid likes my influence, I silently chuckled to myself.

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