I wasn't checking you out!!!

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Chapter 7-I wasn't checking you out!!!

Jas came bursting into my room; a smile spread widely on her face. I looked up from my art, to see her, staring at me. You could tell by her jumpy posture, she had news.

“You’ll never guess what?” Jas literally screamed, I covered my eyes, quirking my eyebrow!

“What?” I literally shouted at her; it had better be important, I mean she was interrupting my art for this.

“He’s back!” Jas wrapped her arms around me tightly. Wait, who was back? It couldn’t be James, he was still in college? He was the only one that would be returning anytime soon; and this wasn’t the way Jas would greet me if James was back?

“Who’s back?” I stared at her blankly.

“BRAD! BRAD IS BACK!” She screamed grinning.

Brad was our childhood friend who moved 2 years ago to Florida. It was the worst day in my life; it felt like my world had been torn apart. Back then it didn’t matter that I was a nerd; me and Brad were nerds together. We had so many fond memories over the years, never once did it occur to me that later on; he would be moving miles away. Leaving me; the shy nerd from Ohio alone. Jas liked Brad as well but they weren’t as close as me and him; me and Brad were best-friends so we never noticed Jas that much; well I didn’t anyway. The day Brad left was truly heart-breaking. He said goodbye to me last, but before he went he made me pinky-promise he’d never tell anyone what he was about to tell me. Brad had told me that all through the years we’d been friends, he’d had a massive crush on Jas and when he left I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone and I never did.

But do you know how hard it is to lie to your sister? Do you know what it’s like to lie to your own twin? It’s horrible; every morning I’d want to tell her. But I’d remember I couldn’t; I couldn’t for Brad. I never imagined that one day Brad would return. I always hoped he would; but we’d both known it wasn’t a realistic hope. I’d look Jas in the eye every day, knowing I was lying to her; how I live with myself; I don’t know. I was her frickin’ twin, we are supposed to tell each other everything, well she told me everything; no matter how much it would affect me. I knew that if Jas ever found out I lied to her; she’d hate me.

“What? Why? When?” My enthusiasm was taking over.

“His dad got a job up here! BRAD IS BACK IN OHIO!” Jas screamed, jumping up and down. Wow, this was the day I would be re-united with my best-friend and my heart felt like it would beat out of my chest!

“What’s all this noise about a stupid boy?” I heard Brad’s familiar husky voice from behind me, I literally screamed, running up and pulling him into a hug. Brad was almost un-recognisable, he’d changed a lot; no longer did he wear big thick harry potter specs; his contacts changed the illusion of the blueness of his eyes. His long mattered hair had been cut short, well floppy sort of and for his body…well damn! This new Brad was hot! Very hot!

“You don’t look so bad princess!” Brad laughed, noticing me checking him out.

“I wasn’t checking you out!” I murmured blushing rapidly.

“I’m sure you were princess!” Brad laughed; ever since we were little he was my prince and I was his princess! The nicknames; they just stuck.

“Only in your dreams!” I scoffed, glaring at him; wow, I couldn’t get over how much Brad had changed. No longer was he the little mathematician, he was now an irresistible girl magnet; I couldn’t help but gawk at the perfection of a man he had turned into.

“Only you would know!” Brad winked.

“We have a lot to catch up on!” My eyes were welling up; I couldn’t believe how much I’d missed my best-friend. I couldn’t believe that Brad was standing here in my bedroom two years later, looking hotter than ever before.

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