What are you 5?

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 Chapter 9-What are you 5?

“Listen you two…next time we will kick your ass” I frowned, kicking the ground underneath me.

“Okay sure, we’ll wait for that day” Steven laughed, pushing me slightly.

“Come and talk to us again when you can actually play soccer” Ashley teased.

“I can play soccer, tell them Brad” I stared, puppy-eyed at Brad; waiting for an answer.

“Well you didn’t do much playing; you spent most of the time in the air” Brad shrugged his shoulders at me guiltily.

“Okay but next time we play, remember to bring your tissues” I cooed, wiping away invisible tears.

“I think you’ll find boys don’t cry” Ashley smirked triumphantly.

“Is Ashley Jackson being sexist?” I raised my eyebrow as high as I could.

“No, I’m purely stating that you’re the weaker sex; using you as an example.” The boys sniggered; my cheeks flaming red.

“Right that’s it I’ll prove you’re the weaker one. What’s the challenge?” I questioned, staring intently at Ashley.

“An arm wrestle” Ashley didn’t dare divert away from the glance.

“An arm wrestle? What are you five?” I laughed uncontrollably, people that walked past me thought I must be a loony; but hey, they wouldn’t be far off.

“If you’re that strong, let’s just have a fight. Me versus you” Ashley grinned.

“No! We’ll stick to the arm wrestle” I rolled my eyes; there was no way I’d beat Ashley in a fight, I’d be flattened quite literally. I knew that beating him in a arm wrestle wasn’t impossible may the odds be in my favour.

“Where?” Brad piped in, interrupting mine and Ashley’s staring contest.

“Here?” I looked at Ashley blandly, did he not realise you needed a table for an arm wrestle; such an amateur.

“No, I want to humiliate you publically!” I grinned innocently. Brad burst out into fits of laughter, Steven quickly joined in and I’m telling you I saw a little colour flame in Ashley’s cheeks.

“How about that retro diner across the road?” Steven suggested, I wasn’t one to back down from a bet and Brad knew that. We nodded in agreement. Within 5 minutes, we arrived at the diner. We were quickly seated, it wasn’t very busy but it was cute with a jukebox playing in the background.

“What’s the prize for the winner though?” Ashley sat up abruptly knowing there was a prize.

“Pride?” Ashley suggested, wait…he was being serious?

“Dude, what is up with you stupid suggestions?” I laughed, gaining a snigger from the others.

“Okay princess what’s your big suggestion?” Ashley sighed, sinking in his seat.

“Whoever loses buys the hamburgers…deal?” I stuck my hand out to Ashley.

“Deal, by the way Lo, I want extra cheese” Ashley winked at me.

“Why do I care?” I stared down at the menu, in front of me.

“Because you’ll be buying” Ashley was probably the most confident boy I knew.

“Wait does he call you Lo?” Brad whispered, sounding pissed.

“Yeah why?” I tried to rack my brain when…oh yeah, since Brad and I were like 7, his nickname was always ‘Lo’ for me, never would he call me Lauren and if he did it always felt so un-natural, so wrong. No wonder he was annoyed, it’s not every day you come back to find someone calling your best-friend your nick-name. Truth be told, I’d be pissed.

“I just thought it was my nickname” Brad said quietly.

“Well let’s all just call me Lauren, then they’ll be no misunderstandings” I said loudly, but Steven and Ashley just looked at me baffled.

I intertwined my hand with Ashley, sticking my tongue out showing the concentration on my face. Ashley kept a straight face, looking bored. After a while, my arm began to ache. I knew I had to back down; Ashley still hadn’t broken a sweat. My arm gave way. I surrendered.

“Extra cheese” Ashley laughed, I frowned making my way up to the cashier. The person serving was staring straight at our table. I cleared my voice; she stared at me in disgust. After I ordered she began to talk.

“Which one are you dating?” She hissed.

“Pardon?” I looked around, nope just me.

“Which of the boys are you dating?” She glared at me. Oh, she thought I was dating one of them, hahaha!

“None” I laughed but the girl didn’t find it very funny.

“The tanned ones cute” The cashier rotated her head, trying to get a better look.

“Oh shock Ashley” I rolled my eyes.

“Could you give him my number?” The cashier smiled sweetly.

“Give it to him yourself” I picked up the food, strolling back over to the table. The boys were grinning evilly, like they knew something I didn’t.

“What are you laughing at losers?” I threw their food at them, which they quickly began to demolish.

“It’s just normally boys buy the food and you’re the only girl here yet you’re buying the food” Steven cracked up.

“I’m not the normal girl” I smiled slyly.

“Oh, we know” They all muttered in unison.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” I pretended to faint melodramatically.

“Nothing!” They sniggered; I glared at each of them…hmmm…

“Do you want my gherkin?” Ashley smiled. Dangling the vile thing in my face.

“No why would I want a gherkin?” Ugh, there slimy and green and they taste vile.

“Well you eat everything…” Ashley laughed.

“Are you calling me fat?” Honestly I was a little offended.

“No, I’ve seen you in the cafeteria…you literally eat everything” We all chuckled.

“What’s wrong with my appetite?” I interrogated, jabbing Ashley.

“Nothing, in fact I salute you for not being the typical cheerleader and eating a green leaf” Ashley smiled genuinely saluting me.

“Why, how very noble of you sir” I bowed, laughing.

We all sat in a comfortable silence eating. I looked outside, a girl around our age stood leaning against a car. She looked like a supermodel, her blonde hair curled down her back delicately; she was ever so slim with a ravishing tan. She wore a pair of simple dungarees on. But she made even the simplest things look celebrity material, just looking at the young girl was de-grading.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Ashley cleared his throat; I pulled my eyes away to meet Ashley’s.

 “Well, I have to go. I’ll see you two on Monday. Thanks for the hamburger Lo” Ashley winked, gesturing Steven to follow. I saw a hint of jealousy still lying in Brad’s eyes.

I watched the two leave, the exact girl I’d been watching got up, pulling Ashley into a warm embrace.

“Who’s she?” I asked Brad who was stuffing his face full of hamburger.

“I don’t know, probably his girlfriend” Brad murmured through his full mouth.

I felt my heart deflate a little, of course deep down, I knew I’d never be able to have Ashley; not realistically. But the one thought on my mind was…who is that girl? 



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