If you break my sisters heart...I'll break yours...

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Breaking the Bad Boys heart- Chapter one- If you break my sisters heart...I'll break yours...

Me and my sister grew up knowing never to let each other’s hearts get broken. But I let that happen I let Jasmines heart get broken, broken by a jerk. I was always close with my sister; when we were little, we were inseparable. We’re twins so we always pick up on each other’s feelings; it’s hard to hide things from each other. And I knew something was up. I made her a promise. I promised her if she ever got her heart broken I’d break his…

I’m Lauren, I’m 10th grade and I’m such a nerd; I’m nothing like my twin, I love independence, I’d much prefer to be stuck in the art department; than be a cheerleader. That’s Jasmine she’s just another clone; we used to be so unique, with our out of control bushy hair. But when we got into 8th grade, Jasmine began to change; she began to hang out with the cool girls, the cheerleaders & the jocks. She began to wear make-up and straighten her hair. But I haven’t changed, not one bit.  I still don’t wear make-up; I wouldn’t even know how to apply it. And my hair is still massive and curly; I don’t see the point in hair products or killing your hair cells; for what? To get into the cheer-squad? Jasmine is pretty good at dancing; so when the cheerleaders were looking for recruits, she quickly signed up and I guess the rest is history. As I sit at home on Friday nights; she’s out, drinking or going to house parties. I forever have my newsfeed filled with pictures of my sister slashed off her face. It’s quite disturbing; I’m forever untagging her.

Tonight was like any other; she’d been dating Ashley for almost a month. Jas was upstairs drying her hair, I could hear the screeching of hanger after hanger, I turned up my music; trying to tune her out. Me gustan… I put my pencil down, hearing the doorbell sound.

“Get that will you?” Jas screeched from her room, I rolled my eyes as I swung open the door. I was wearing my sweats; I had my hair pulled into a ponytail and bare feet. The doorbell rang continuously.

“I’M COMING!!” I yelled, I got to the front door, and opened it sharply, frowning. Ashley fell into the house a smirk played upon his lips, he had obviously been leaning against the door. I turned walking up the stairs. Ignoring the biggest jerk in the school that stood in my hall way. I looked back but he was checking himself out in mirror.

“JAS ASHLEY’S HERE” I shouted making my way up to my room, when Jas ran past me, eager for her date.

“You can’t pass on the stairs” I shouted at her; I’m ever so superstitious and she knows it. Jas just barged past me, rolling her eyes. She batted her eyes at Ashley but he was already texting on his phone; not even acknowledging Jas. Probably texting the next girl in line.

Jas waved at me enthusiastically. Before rushing out, hand in hand with Ashley.  I went upstairs to do my homework, I raked my brain for ideas; for anything to do, it was nearly 10 and Jas still wasn’t home. I could sense something was wrong. Mum and Dad would be in in an hour, after all they are doctors. I turned on the TV, my eyes grew droopy, I could easily sleep. But I promised I wouldn’t. I couldn’t, for Jas.

The door swung open and I could hear the pattering of feet run up the stairs, I followed standing outside Jas’ room.  I could hear the silent sobbing from inside, I pushed the door open to see her clutching a tissue, tears streaming down her face.

“Jas?” I whispered, he head shot up to me, I hated to see my twin cry, she’s my sister. My other half.

“Go away Lauren, I don’t want to speak about it” Jas sobbed harder, her shoulders moving up and down with every cry she let out.

“He did it…didn’t he? Ashley did it!” I yelled at her, she nodded weakly before turning back around from me. I sat on the other side of her bed, staring at the movement of my twin.

“I don’t want to talk about it!” She mumbled, pointing towards her door, she still didn’t look up; not once.

“ASHLEY BROKE YOUR HEART DIDN’T HE!” I shouted at her, taking her back. Her tear stricken face looked at mine. I hated seeing her hurt; no-one could hurt my sister.

“What haven’t I got? What’s wrong with me Lauren?” Jas yelled back, on the verge of screaming, I hugged her letting her cry into me. I knew something wasn’t right! I knew he was a jerk.

“Nothing’s wrong with you Jas, everyone thinks your perfect” I smiled weakly, hoping to reassure her.

“Then why doesn’t he want me? Why won’t Ashley love me?” Her breathing deepened, she was tiring herself out from all the crying, her eyes were droopy, almost shut.

“Because people like Ashley, their jerks!” I combed her hair.

“He told me it wasn’t me, it was him. He wasn’t ready for a relationship” I snorted out loud, Jas frowned at me, wiping away her tears.

“He doesn’t deserve your tears Jas, no-one deserves your tears!” She settled her head onto her pillow.

“What are you going to do about it eh Lauren?” She retorted, verge of laughter, I frowned, I’d do something…something that would stop him hurting anyone, playing any girl ever again.

“I’ll do something” I protested, crossing my arms, she rolled her eyes, shifting onto her side.

“What? Like break his heart?” Jas began to laugh lightly although some of it still sounded like a sniffle.

“Yes! That’s it! I WILL BREAK ASHELY JACKSONS HEART! I WILL BREAK IT SO HE WILL NEVER LOVE AGAIN!” Jas shot up, suddenly paying attention, a smirk tugging at her lips. I gulped. The rest of the night Jas told me the plan, the plan to break Ashley’s heart. I was feeling confident.

“But how will I show, it was all a joke?” Our heads tilted to the side to think, it’s something we always do.

“Make a video, over the days you slowly capture his heart…then you crush it. Like he’s done to all the girls he’s hurt. Do it for the girls” Jas’ voice sounded more confident with every word, she was becoming excited. I gulped, it did sound a little harsh. But that’s what he did to all those girls, wasn’t it?

Jas wasn’t awake for much longer, she soon fell asleep. I crept back to my room, sitting down at my desk, I turned on my laptop. Deciding to start the video, I mean there’s no time like the present. I fluffed my hair, smirking at the reflection in the webcam. I pressed the record button.

“Hey, Ashley Jackson, tomorrow will be the beginning, the beginning of which I break your heart. Break it like it’s never been broken” I smirked at the camera, being a bitch was unbelievably easy, maybe too easy?

“I suppose it’s not you, it’s me. I’m just not ready for a serious relationship” I pouted, using his quote, made everything sound harsher. I smiled sweetly before ending the recording. I quickly saved it; ‘To my darling Ashley’x” He would just think it’s something loving and then bam! Maybe I shouldn’t do this, it does seem a bit cruel? But Ashley was so cruel to these girls, dumping them one by one.

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