Have I been living under a rock?

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Chapter 15-Have I been living under a rock?

To be fair Ashley hadn’t said what he’d done at the party. I hadn’t really given him the chance to tell me. I know we aren’t dating but it doesn’t hurt any less. Before I stared planning Ashley’s death I’d let him explain.

 Ashley obviously had the same idea as when Brad pulled up at school, Ashley was leaning against his motorbike waiting. He approached me, I felt like I was in a scene from Grease, can’t say I would mind if I was, Danny Zuko is gorgeous.

“Hey Princess, I need to talk to you” Ashley pulled me into a hug, enabling me to breath in his scent. Mm…manly.

“Actually, I need to talk to you as well” I smiled, he was going to admit it…I knew it.

“You know what they say, great minds think alike” Ashley laughed, I’d never heard that saying before but I laughed along anyway… I know what you’re thinking, have I been living under a rock?

“Well my minds great, I don’t know about yours” I teased, poking my tongue out making Ashley chuckle.

“Always the funny one Lauren” Ashley grinned, that one smile is so infectious.

“Why thank you, the pleasure is all yours” I curtsied.

“So what’s the question Lo?” Ashley smiled sweetly…did I just say Ashley was sweet?

“You know I didn’t see much of you at the party, where were you?” Easily disguised, one point to Lauren.

“I uh, was around…well actually…don’t worry its quite embarrassing” Ashley scratched the back of his neck nervously.

“Is Ashley scared? I don’t bite” I bared my teeth, in a scary motion although I probably looked quite demented. Ashley blushed; he was going to admit it? He was going to say he was so drunk and he wished he’d never done it…I can see it coming.

“Well don’t tell Candice…but she drunk way too much, so I had to hold her hair up whilst she was being sick. So I was with her the whole night” Ashley smiled weakly, okay that was embarrassing…for Candice. He’s just way too sweet. It made sense why I hadn’t seen him…a perfect alibi. Maybe it was another Ashley that kissed Brittany…stop doubting the boy Lauren!

“Bless, I’ll send her my ‘get wells’ when I see her” I joked, if I thought I had a hangover…wow, she must have the hangover from hell.

“So my question” Ashley diverted the conversation…strange. Stop thinking too much into it…

“Shoot…not literally, I don’t do blood” I laughed but Ashley just looked totally nervous.

“Will you go on a date with me?” Ashley said coolly, brushing a hand through his hair.

“What? When? Where? Why?” I managed to choke out…he was asking me on a date? A nobody.

“A date today after school. I’m not telling you where, that’s more of the surprise. And to be fair I don’t know why I’m asking you, I shouldn’t like you, you’re weird, annoying and lets be fair too sarcastic but I like you Lauren, and I don’t know why” He sighed, is it bad saying that was so cliché, but for this one I didn’t mind a little bit of ‘cliché’.

“Fine but no go-karting or anything boring like that” I warned, actually go-karting didn’t sound that bad…an excuse to run him over if he annoys me.

“Don’t worry, this date will be far from boring” He smirked before walking away; he’s going to say that and walk away…who does he think he is? This date better be good.

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