I didn't have a personal concert!

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Chapter 20-I didn't have a personal concert!

As I entered the house, the lights were off, so I guessed everyone was asleep, I tried to be the quietest I could be, but as I turned into my room, I saw Jas sitting cross-legged on my bed, with a recent magazine in her hand. She looked up to see me, a smile spreading across her lips.

“How was it? Is his house big? How were his parents? Were they posh? I ever got invited to his house!” Jas gabbled, her face falling into a frown, if I wasn’t trying to catch every question, I’d laugh at her face.

“One question at a time please” I teased, Jas’ grin returning to her face.

“Okay, hmm…how was it?” Jas fidgeted, looking up at me expectantly; her eyes shining.

“Really good, although something wasn’t right…oh, never mind” I turned my head away, it wasn’t my right to talk about Ashley’s family life, it isn’t my problem; so why was it nagging me so much?

“Come on, tell me…were the parents creepy? Did they play music? Like violins and guitar in front of you?” Jas inquired, rubbing her chin slightly.

“No Jas, I didn’t have a personal concert…it’s just, Ashley’s dad is very…uh, pushy” I suppose that the nicest way to say it, the way he pressured Ashley, I didn’t approve of but hey, I’m not a parent.

“All parents are pushy; I mean dad wants you to be a doctor?” Jas questioned, did she not understanding; wanting things and pushing things?

“No Jas! I want to be a doctor, he just thinks it’s a good career path” I pointed out, but Jas just shrugged; not really caring.

“Whatever, maybe he’s just feeling pressure, don’t get involved” She reassured me, Jas is right, it isn’t any of my business…then why couldn’t I get it out of my head?!

“Anyway, do you know who Steven likes?” I asked, my brain had been reeling but the only conclusion I could come to came to Candice but it still didn’t seem to fit.

“Uh, no sorry” She looked around the room, avoiding eye-contact; she knew something I didn’t; I could just tell!

“What is it Jas?” I eyed her suspiciously, but she continued to seem fascinated by the blanket pattern.

“I-uh…don’t know what you mean?” Jas tried to laugh but you could tell it was forced; well I could anyway.

 “Jasmine…who does Steven like?” I said slowly, watching her face change into a painful expression.

“I can’t tell you! I promised I wouldn’t; please don’t make me tell you” Jas pleaded, her eyes were even beginning to water.

“Fine” I muttered; letting it slide…I couldn’t have Jas hating me…that’s for sure.

“So, did he ask you?” Jas waggled her eyebrows suggestively, I raked my brain for the answer…but to be fair; I didn’t know what the question really meant.

“Ask me what?” I rose my eyebrow in Jas’ direction.

“To be…his you-know…girlfriend?!” Jas stared at me expectantly. Girlfriend; that was a word that never struck up in conversation…what am I saying, we’d only been on one date, although I had met his parents.

“Uh…no?” Why did I seem so disappointed? I’d only known the jerk for a while…I couldn’t be? No! I can’t be falling for him...could I?

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